20 Jung Hoseok: Helping You Through A Panic Attack.

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"Ugh!" I yelled out as I threw my bag onto the floor. Why is work so hard? I just want to forget this morning.

(This morning)

I stepped into my local grocery store ready to work. I'm wasn't ready per se but I was ready for the annoying customers, or so I thought. I clipped on my name tag then stepped behind the register. The first customer strolled up to me with a huge cart full. "Good evening" I smiled. He just rolled his eyes. I started scanning his items, I pulled out a coupon. "I would like to use this"

He said roughly setting it on the conveyor. "Okay" I picked it up and tried to scan it. "Sir this is 2 months expired," I said handing it back to him. An angered sigh left his mouth. "Listen I'm not sure you understand how this works" I quirked a brow. "Pardon?"  He chuckled. "You're bad at your job" Umm. "I'm sorry sir but it's expired" I repeated starting to bag his items. "Scan it again." He started slamming it down.

I jumped a bit but scanned it again. "Sir it still says expired October 14," I said a calm sigh leaving a mouth. "Did you just sigh at me!?!" He yelled. "No, sir." I breathed out. "I'm reporting you" And with that, he paid and left. UGH, what is wrong with people?! My shift was almost over, I've had about 5 more people acting like that, and I was so tired of it. A lady with lime green hair walked up holding a couple of things.

A small smile on her face. "Hi" I greeted hoping she wasn't like the others. "Hi" She set her things down, they consisted of a bag of flour. And a couple of odds and ends. I scanned her items then bagged them. "Your total is $5.25" She nodded pulling out her wallet. "I only have 4 dollars," She said handing it to me. I looked at the money and her face a couple of times. Before I slowly pushed the money back to her.

"It's okay, I'll pay for it," I said handing her the bag. "But-" "It's fine really, I don't mind" She nodded then gave me a small bow. My shift was finally over, thank god! My boss wanted to speak with me for some reason so I went to his office. "Yes sir?" I said taking a seat. "You let a customer get free food!?!" He raised his voice. Fuck. "Well-" "You giving out free food messes with the company!" He stated. "But, Sir-" "No but's! If it happens again YOU'RE FIRED" He waved his hand dismissively.

"But- Sir she didn't have much money and-" "OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW," He said slamming his fist on his desk. I just nodded standing up then leaving. I as soon as the door closed tears streamed down my cheeks like broken waterfalls. I grabbed my purse and left, I got in my car slamming the door. I couldn't help it. I screamed at the top of my lungs choking a bit at the end. I need my Hobi, now more than ever.

I finally pulled into the driveway, I stepped out of the car shaking like a leaf. My anxiety is really ad right now because of everything that happened today. I grasped the door handle shakily turning it. I was greeted by a clean house. Awe, that's nice of him. At this point, my tears were semi-dry. I kicked my shoes off then threw my bag onto the floor. I heard Hobi running down the steps. When he ran up and hugged me I started balling again.

He pulled away with a concerned face. "Baby?! What happened?" He cupped my damp cheeks. "Work" I choked out through my tears. "What happened at work?" I told him the whole story about the angry man and my boss. "I don't like your boss Y/n," He said in a sad voice. I nodded. "I don't like him either." At this point, we were sitting on the couch. "Do you want a blanket?" I nodded. He put a soft blanket on me then kissed the top of my head.

"Do you want some tea?" I nodded again. He ran into the kitchen coming back minutes later with a mug full of warm cherry tea. "Your favorite" He smiled handing it to me. "Thank you, Hobi" "For what?" He chuckled. "For being here with me" He made an 'awww' Face then engulfed me in a tight hug. I calmed down a bit at this point. "I hope tomorrow's better" I yawned. Hobi nodded still cuddling onto me. "Hey, Y/n," Hobi asked. "What?" I asked looking at him. He kissed the tip of my nose causing me to chuckle.

I had thought about it, I don't need my job per se. It's just before I met Hobi I was poor, then I met Hobi and now I don't have to worry about money. I still wanted to keep my job at the point but, now I'm not sure. I don't think I can handle my boss's abuse anymore. I told Hobi I'd be back then I went to the bathroom to call him. It rang a couple of times. "Hello?" My shit show of a boss sternly spoke into the phone. "Hi, It's Y/n" An annoyed sigh could be heard on the other end.

"I feel as though you owe me an apology," I stated. He burst out laughing. "What? Me?" He laughed some more. "Wow, you really are always a fucking prick" He gasped. "Excuse me!?" I chuckled. "I quit. I hope your business crashed without me." I quickly hung up grasping onto my chest. "Holy-" Hobi busted into the room a huge smile on his face. "Hobi-" "You finally stood up for yourself!!!" He said excitedly jumping up and down. I smiled. "I guess I did" He grasped my hands. "You're cooler than me!" He said. I chuckled. "I don't think-" He cut me off with a kiss.

He slowly pulled away. "Hey! I was enjoying that!" I whined. He chuckled then kissed me again.


Word count: 1040

I hope you enjoyed it!

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