5. Crossing Paths

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-Travis' pov-

The stores air was nice and calming. It was also pretty cold but I had a hoodie on so it didn't matter. I grabbed some snacks off of the shelves and went to get some stuff for my father. I got some alcohol, and to get the cigarettes I would need to head to the front. I walked up to the register when I heard two familiar people with very familiar voices walk in. Sally and Larry. I don't think they noticed me in that moment though. I hope that they never do.

I put my things on the counter and pointed to the cigarettes my dad would need. He would get mad if I got the wrong one. I got 2 packs. He only needed one but he might run out of the first pack. I looked pretty young but I didn't need to worry about an ID because the guy here never ID's me. My father probably said something to him. Maybe threatened him. The cashier grabbed the two cigarette packs and a lighter and started ringing up the items.

I heard someone come up behind me. "Churchboy smokes? And drinks!" I jump a bit and look behind me to see Sal and Larry standing behind me with food in their hands. I turned back around to pay and grabbed my bags. I don't smoke. Well, only a few times, not addicted to it like my dad is though. I tell myself that the second pack was because my dad will run out fast. Yeah, that's a terrible fucking lie. Plus, it will be the last time. I'm making that promise to myself.

I left, feeling relieved that I could escape the sounds, their whispers were bothering me, something tells me that they were talking about me, not sure though. "Bye Churchboy~" Larry called out playfully. I flipped him off without even looking behind me. They weren't worth my time. They were only freaks.

Instead of walking back home, I walked to the back of the store. I set the bag on the ground and sat next to it, my back against the wall. I grabbed one of the packs and left the other. 'One last time Travis' I grabbed the lighter and set it beside me. I unwrapped the box and grabbed a cigarette. I stared at it for a bit before grabbing the lighter to light it up. I set the lighter back down and put the cig in my mouth. I inhaled the smoke, it kinda burned but I've done this enough times so it didn't bother me. I would have to get rid of the smell later though. I exhaled. The smoke was satisfying. Watching it come out was calming. I left the cig in my mouth and began to unwrap the bandages on my hand. It looked pretty bad and had been slightly bruised. I set the bandage down and took the cigarette back out my mouth. More smoke came out.

I heard some footprints, I was about to get up when I heard him. "So Churchboy really does smoke!" Larry sounded way too excited for that. "Sal come here! Travis isn't a goody too shoes!" This enthusiasm must be fake.

I looked to my right to see Sal and Larry making their way over to me, I silently groaned And got up, grabbing my bags getting ready to leave. "Wait!" Sal said, a bit too loud. I turned back around and looked at the both of them. "What are you doing here?" Sal asked. I shrugged, what type of question is that anyways? Am I not allowed to leave my house? Ugh whatever, I opened my mouth to speak but was met with a not-so-surprising surprise, once again I couldn't speak, great. I inhaled and exhaled once again, watching the smoke blow into their faces. "Dude!" Larry exclaimed. I smiled a bit, this was better than beating them up. Sal looked down, I don't know what he was looking at but I was curious. "Hey what happened to your hand Trav?" Trav? Really? "Holy shit, yeah what happened." Fuck. I must've used the wrong hand when bringing the cigarette back up to my mouth. I don't want anyone to question anything, they might find out about father. I have to leave. Blocking them out won't work here.

I dropped the cig and stepped on it. I walked away. I'm pretty sure they yelled after me, but I couldn't care less. I rounded the corner and made my way back home. I'd have to find a way back inside without using the front door. Great. Maybe for the rest of the way home, I can just go


-Sals POV-

That was weird. It seems a lot of things about Travis had changed. Except for the fact that he seems to get hurt, a lot. I turned to Larry "Wanna head home?" Larry shook his head and we started on our way home. "Hey Sal?" "Yeah Larry?" "Why wouldn't Travis talk?" I looked up at Larry. Did he really think I would know that? I barely even knew the guy! "Don't know Larry, let's just ignore it for now, I'm sure it's nothing." "Whatever you say Sal." Larry sounded unsure. I'm not surprised. Sure, we hated Travis, couldn't give two shits about the guy. But we knew that this was out of character for him. Kinda miss the old Travis, even if 'The old Travis' used to beat me up whenever he got the chance. Heck, when I say it like that, makes it seem like he's dead. Nevermind that, I gotta get home, I'm tired.

-Timeskip Sals pov-

Larry was taking forever, if I didn't love him so much, I would leave without him. "Sal!" I jumped up to see Larry in front of me. "Dude what took you so long!" "Jeez, I slept in sal!" Larry walked out of the apartments and I followed. I stood at his car and waited for him to unlock it. Once I got in I was met with an ungodly smell. "Jesus fuck Larry! Have you been smoking in here?!" "Guilty!" Larry said as he started the car. "Well it stinks" "whatever dude" If he keeps smoking he might end up killing himself, and I don't think I could make it without him. I care about him, he's like a brother to me.

The rest of the car ride was just us listening to some heavy metal. You know, the usual. As we were pulling up to the school Larry mumbled "Another day of hell" "atleast Travis won't mess with us?" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Yep" it seemed to have worked. I've been doing that a lot lately. I've been saying things to please people. I've also been lying more than usual.

Larry and I got out of the car and started heading inside. Apparently Ash and Todd would be out today, it's not like they would miss anything, we have free days until next Wednesday, which is fucking stupid by the way. Anyways Todd was feeling sick and ash is apparently amazing at making soup. I wish ash would make me some soup. Maybe I should get sick some time soon. I'll ask Todd to cough on me.

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