ten. putting pieces together

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"IN THIS TOWN THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING MORE"Derek said as he fixed the couples broken down car in the hospital parking lot

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"IN THIS TOWN THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING MORE"Derek said as he fixed the couples broken down car in the hospital parking lot. Stiles was missing and what he was saying confused basically everybody who knew he was missing. 

Derek and Paige got to the hospital and searched every inch of it before the others got there, like Scott, Isaac and the Sheriff. But they couldn't find him, even if his jeep was in the parking lot. No sign of him at all.

"What if I told you I know something more?"Aiden revealed and the couple looked at the twin. "I kind of overheard...well, I listened in on Stiles talking to Scott. How he thinks he was the one who wrote that message in the Chemistry room, the message telling Barrow to kill Kira..."

"You think Stiles, skinny, defenseless, Stiles is the Nogitsune?"Derek suggested surprised. "A powerful, dark spirit?". "I'm not the only one thinking it, I'm just the only one saying it"Aiden specified. "This thing wants to possess someone and chooses Stiles?"Derek asked with a small scoff. "Why wouldn't it take someone bigger, stronger?Someone with a little more"


The boys looked at Paige with their eyebrows furrowed. "Barrow was gong to kill Kira at the power treatment plant or whatever its called"The girl reminded. "He was an electrician, or an engineer...and I read that there's a type of kitsune that can have electricity as their power"

"Thunder"Derek realized, starting to go along with Paige's theory. "Power...". "And who do we know that's a thunder kitsune?"Paige added with a sigh. "The one who was with William Barrow at the power station?"



"Scott..."Kira said, trying to get his attention as he walked the other way in the schools hallway, but he ignored her which made Kira frown. "Sorry, Little Fox, but he's a little preoccupied"Paige apologized as the couple approached the kitsune and the girl looked at them. "But we can help you..."

"Why would you want to help me?"Kira asked. "Because I want you to tell us everything that happened at the power station with William Barrow"Derek explained.

"Actually, we want you to show us..."Paige specified. "D'you think you can take time out of school for a bit?". "I guess I wouldn't mind missing a few classes, I've got good grades"Kira agreed with a nervous smile.


And with that Kira went with Derek and Paige to the substation where Kira was taken by William Barrow. They could tell by the look on her face that she was scared to go back, but Kira knew it was to solve something. Barrow wouldn't kidnap her and try to kill her with electricity unless he had a reason or he was told to.

The three got to the substation and Kira led them to where it happened, but it was all cleared up and looked the same after the electricity mishap

"It was around here, I think.."Kira told as the trio looked around the floor with metal gates guarding the electricity boxes. "But everything kind of looks the same now...". "That has me a little worried"Paige interjected nervously. "I think I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up"

The three then noticed a white line scraped into the floor going into one of the gates, only to see an aluminum baseball bat stuck to the metal box of electricity. "What is that?Is that a baseball bat?"Kira asked confused. "It's Stiles's bat, the one he used at the nemeton..."Paige noticed before she stepped inside. 

She went over to the baseball bat and gripped on it, but it wouldn't come off at her first try. Paige pulled on it harder and it finally came off, stepping back in the moment as well when she realized what the problem was.

"It's magnetized"

"Hold on"Derek murmured as he took the bat from Paige's hand and used the bottom to touch the start of the white line, but without doing it himself, the bat started to draw itself to the box again, going back to the exact same place it was before and their faces went pale in a surprised way

"Kira, I'm going to need you to tell us everything you know about foxfire..."

"When a kitsune rubs its tails together, it can create fire or lightning..."Kira lectured as shes shrugged her shoulders and the couple shared a look of somewhat surprise. "And I'm guessing by the look on your faces, lightning is the important one"

"Cause it's like electricity..."Derek specified. "And Stiles was here with Scott, wasn't he?". "Yeah with his, bat"Kira agreed and she trailed off in realization as she looked past Derek to the bat still stuck on the metal box. "A kitsune like you can absorb the electricity and activate the fox inside..."Derek informed and a possible conclusion rang into Paige's mind. 

"What if Barrow used your foxfire in order to start the nogistune inside Stiles?"Paige suggested and the two pondered her theory. "He was fine until the electricity mishap. And since then, he's been all weird, tired and everything else. Plus, I can confirm that this was definitely Stiles, the scent on the bat reeks of the little one"

And after a few moments of thinking, they all agreed that Paige was right.


Derek, Paige and Kira took a trip to the hospital to tell Scott the truth about Stiles and the nogistune, and Paige was surprised that she was the first to figure out why Barrow kidnapped Kira and why Stiles was acting suspicious and weird.

She was proud of herself, but not as much as Derek was. The three hopped out the car as they arrived in the parking lot and the couple went on as Kira hesitated on going in, she helped Barrow jump start the nogistune which took control of Stiles, of course she was nervous on telling Scott

"I don't know if I should go in"She said, making Derek and Paige turn round with confused looks on their faces. "You're going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used foxfire created by me to jump start the Nogitsune's power inside Stiles..."

"Yeah, exactly"Paige agreed. "Basically that I helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend"Kira specified and the couple looked at one another with their lips pursed.

"Then you should probably wait here..."

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