III. Honor In Vengeance

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THREE. Honor In Vengeance


FAITH AUCLAIR AND LYDIA MARTIN stood side by side as they looked around the halls of Beacon Hills. Faith was wearing a pale minty blue blouse with a ruffle down the middle, a black blazer, and a black mini skirt. Her handbag rested in the bend of her arm, and she clicked her nails together.

Lydia looked around, wearing a purple blouse and long black skirt. "Something's different." She said finally. Faith looked around, searching every student.

"Very different," Faith comments. She chewed on her tongue as she slowly turned her head, seeing Danny walking by. Grabbing his wrist, she tugged him sharply towards her. "Why the hell is nobody looking at me?"

Danny looked between the two girls, "Didn't you hear? There was a murder in the bus parking lot." He told the two of them. Faith and Lydia shared looks, pushing past him. They walked in sync, the echo of their heels bouncing off the lockers, somehow over everyone's voices.

When they got to the doors that lead to the parking lot, Scott and Stiles stumbled in. Faith and Lydia stepped to the side as the Stilinski practically falls on his face. "What are you doing?"Asked Faith.

Scott looked between them. "Have you seen Allison?" He asked warily.

"Thankfully, no," Faith chimed with a fake smile. She and Lydia pushed open the doors, walking out to see the messed-up bus covered in blood.

"God, that's disgusting," Lydia scrunched her nose at the sight.

Faith tilted her head, "What was it? A bear?" She asked.

"Or a mountain lion," Lydia commented. Faith hummed as if saying a fair point. The school bell rang. "I have archaic Latin, I'll see you after?"

"Remember, we have to meet Kait in the bathroom after class. She's on her period, and we have to do the pant check," Faith said with a pointed finger. The two girls share a kiss, before splitting ways completely.

Jackson smirked at Faith as she sat at the table in front of him. Faith placed her notebook and textbook down, spinning in her chair. "You told me you couldn't pick me up today because you had to do morning practice with Nate."

"Yeah, I did."

Faith tilted her head, "Kait told me Nate drove her to school. So what is it?"

Jackson looked around the room, leaning in. "I was searching McCall's lockers. I didn't find any drugs," He told her honestly.

"Did you check Stiles's locker?" Jackson nods in reply to Faith's question. She loudly sighed, tapping her fingers on the desk. She turned back to her textbook, flipping it open to the page they were studying for class.

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