IX. Girl Tears And Teenage Angst

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NINE.          Girl Tears And Teenage Angst


MARIN MORRELL SAT at her desk, across from Faith Auclair. It had taken lots of convincing from people like Kait, Lydia, and even Coach Finstock to persuade Faith to talk to someone about her recent traumas. Especially the movie store and the night at school.

"Hi, Faith, how are you doing today?" Ms. Morell asked with a kind smile.

Faith played with her hands in thought. "Fine," She mumbled. Faith had some of her braids up in a half-up half-down style. She wore a short-sleeve black shirt tucked into a black and white houndstooth patterned skirt, and a white sweater. She pursed her lips, adjusting the red lipstick she applied minutes before arriving.

Marin looked at her files in thought. She had more than she technically needed on Faith Auclair; but she almost needed them to understand why Faith was Faith. "Today I wanted to talk about Derek Hale," Marin said. Faith visibly tensed at the name of the probable murderer. "Did you know him before the night of the movie store attack?"

"No," Faith said quietly. "I knew of him. He had been acting weird in the woods around the time his sisters body was found. I'm the one who called the police on him," She said in boredom.

"And the police believe that's his motive for going after you and your friends?"

Faith shrugs, "The only one they have until they find him," She said nonchalantly. Marin nods, looking back at the pages of details.

"Your parents are CEO's of their own company, correct?"

"My mom is the CEO of three companies." Faith told her. "Auclair Jewelry, Nightwing Gallery, and her newest project in Europe,"

Marin nods, "And your father?" The woman looks up to see Faith's unreadable, hardened expression. She wanted to see this. Marin wanted the mental notes on what exactly Faith reacted and didn't react to. Like now.

Faith cleared her throat, "I thought we were talking about Derek," She hummed calmly.

"We were, but now I want to dive into other things. Like your-"

"We're not talking about him," Faith said coldly. Marin tilted her head slightly, nodding as Faith shifted in her seat. Faith was uncomfortable. That was possibly a good thing. Marin made mental notes of every action Faith took.

Marin swallowed thickly, "Then let's discuss your relationships with Scott McCall and Allison Argent," She told her. Faith rose a single brow, watching Marin pull out a notebook. "You three have had lots of drama recently, Kaitlyn told me a lot about it."

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