XVIII. Hostage

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EIGHTEEN.                 Hostage


GUNSHOTS RANG THROUGH THE AIR. Chris Argent, who somehow found the Kanima as it ran through the city of Beacon Hills and fighting with Derek Hale, shot at the creature repeatedly. The kanima hissed and screeched as blood spewed from it's torso. It eventually, and grimly so, collapsed to the ground. Chris did not know who the kanima was. Not yet, anyways.

Chris breathes heavily, his eyes drifting upward to his surroundings. Derek Hale was here, too. He had to be. Or perhaps one of his pack members. Or Scott. Chris kept his gun in his hand as he thought.

Then a shadow rose behind him.

The Kanima hissed. Chris spun around and fired his gun. To his demise, it only clicked. Empty. Chris scrunched his face as he dropped the clip from the gun, ready to reload. The reptilian monster screeched as it jumped in the air, both of it's feet hitting Chris square in the chest. He stumbled back, collapsing into the stone pillar with a painful grunt. He panted in pain, the Kanima taking a step forward when another figure came into view.

A girl with dark hair swung her leg high in the air to kick the monster in the face. Her eyes were a pitch black, her fangs shining as she let out a threatening sound. With swift movement, she kicked the Kanima toward Chris's car, letting it land on its back. She whipped her head around, and Chris saw her face. Faith Lilia Auclair's eyes shifted from solid black to a normal human's eyes. Her usually perfect smile back as she gave him a smirk and a wave.

"Hi, Chris! Looking extra DILF-ish tonight! I've always loved a man who knows how to use a weapon." Faith chimes as she turned her head back to the kanima. To her surprise, the kanima wasn't attacking her, nor was it attacking the figure that climbed out of Chris's car. Gerard Argent. Faith's shoulders tensed up, and her jaw clenched tightly. "Oh, shit."

Gerard wasn't looking at her. Instead, the old man was holding his hands out at his sides as he looked down at the reptilian supernatural. Faith frowned in confusion when Gerard slowly looked at her. "Hello, Faith."

The girl opened her mouth to say a word but didn't get a chance when yet another figure ran in, tackling the monster away from Gerard. Scott McCall looked at his girlfriend's grandfather with wide eyes. Gerard knew the truth, now. A succubus and a werewolf, both of them the exes of his granddaughter. Scott looked at Faith, pressing his lips into a line as he began to ran. They had more pressing issues than the Argents, right now.

Faith looked between everyone with wide eyes. She looked in Scott's direction. She needed to find the kanima. Jackson. Kanima Jackson. She clenched her jaw as she began to move.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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