XIV. Pass The Nirvana

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FOURTEEN. Pass The Nirvana



Well, more accurately he was biking. He was running away from his dad. Coach Lahey, the coach of the swim team as well as the abusive prick known as Isaac's dad. Tonight was another one of those. He trashed the kitchen and threw a glass vase toward his son. A shard of glass had cut Isaac's cheek.

"Well, that was your fault." He stated, no emotion whatsoever.

Isaac looked up in disbelief. How was this man his father? Isaac wasn't a violent person. He didn't hurt people like his father did. "You could have blinded me." The boy hissed, the blood trickling down his face. He could feel it on his skin.

"Shut up! It's a scratch! It's hardly even-" He stopped when he saw the blood slowly retract from Isaac's face. The blood somehow reversed back into the wound, before the cut healed completely. Isaac brought his hand to his cheek, looking at his dad. It was then the boy broke into a sprint. "Isaac!"

And that's how he got here. He spun down the alley, leaping off his bike as he ran toward the shadows. The rain was heavy now, causing him to be soaked. He shoved his hands into his pockets, fishing out his phone. His hands wouldn't stop shaking.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Well, I didn't think you'd call so fast, boy," A swooning tone came from the other end of the line. "Missed me?"


The teenage succubus paused her movements. She was in the train station bathroom, putting on makeup. "You don't sound remotely as sexy as I hoped," She muttered. "You okay?"

"My dad, he-he saw me heal, and he threw-"

"Where are you?"

"Um, the alley off First Avenue, what do I do?"


The line went dead. Isaac pulled the phone away from his ear, despair filling his lungs. He pressed his back further into the wall, closing his eyes tightly.


He flinched at his dad's words. The boy was terrified. He squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. What was he going to do if his dad found him? Oh, god, he felt sick. He could hear his dad get out of his car.

"Isaac!" Mr. Lahey shouted. He was mad now, really mad. "Isaac!"

"God, quit your whining."

Mr. Lahey spun around, seeing a teenage girl. She had dark skin, but her complexion was practically glowing in the light. Her long braids cascaded down her back. The rain rolled off her leather jacket. She looked bored, somehow. Mr. Lahey looked her over. "Who are you?"

WICKED LITTLE TOWN , teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now