XVI. The Kanima

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SIXTEEN.                 The Kanima


THE AUCLAIR HOUSE was silent. The front door opened and closed with ease and silence. Sixteen-year-old Faith held her breath, looking around. The home that many people in Beacon Hills gawked at. The designer furniture, the white floors, the marble, the gold, the paintings, all of it. It made Faith sick.

Faith started for the stairs, her mind buzzing. What Scott said got to her more than it should. Saving Scott got to her more than it should. Seeing Allison got to her more than it should. Faith was a monster, there was nothing else to that. She was a sexually desired man-eating demon with inhuman abilities. Faith knew that, and she was coming to accept that. As best as she could.

Faith made it to the upstairs hallway, her feet coming to a stop. There she was. Daniella Auclair. The woman was standing there in her purple silk pajamas and robe, arms crossed over her chest. Faith felt sick. Not because of what happened with Scott, or Derek, or even Allison. No, because of the look on her mother's face.

"Do you know what time it is?" Daniella hissed. Faith's eyes were wide. Step. Step Step. "It's almost ten o'clock! And you've been gone all day. You skipped class! Again!" Step. Step. Step. Faith curled her toes in her shoes. "Do you know your grades have fallen? You're getting a B in chemistry, Faith! A B!" It was like she could feel her blood pressure rising. "You going missing was bad enough for us, we can't risk you fucking it up more." Faith wondered if her lungs had shrunk, or if something was in her throat. She couldn't breath. "Do you hear me? Or do I need to make it more clear?"

Faith flinched.

Daniella couldn't see it, the hallway was too dark. She couldn't see Faith's eyes dilating in extreme sizes and speed. She couldn't hear Faith's heart going inhumanly fast. Faith clenched her fists, her nails digging into her skin. She felt like she was going to drop dead.

"I hear you."

Daniella narrowed her eyes. She straightened her back and looked at her daughter. There it was, Faith thought. The look of distaste. The look of disgust. "I had to cancel my art show in New York to bring you home. I will not risk losing anything else because of you acting out." Daniella wrapped her robe tighter around herself. Faith didn't say anything. She didn't know she could. Daniella turned around, walking back toward her room. "Goodnight, Faith!"

The door slam caused Faith to flinch again.

Faith walked into her room quickly. She shut her door softly. Her back was against the white wood. Faith's hands were bleeding. Faith closed her eyes tight. She was fine. Everything was fine. Nothing was wrong. What could be wrong? Faith had the perfect life.

WICKED LITTLE TOWN , teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now