VI. Trouble Finds You

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SIX.                            Trouble Finds You


ISAAC LAHEY GRUNTED as Nate Greenberg obliviously shoved him out of the way. Faith Auclair and Kaitlyn Greenberg snickered as Isaac clung onto his books after nearly dropping all of them.

Vernon Boyd, on the other hand, smiled as Kaitlyn approached him. "Hey," He said kindly.

"Hi," Kait chirped. "Listen, I'm totally down for that movie tonight, but I cant come over for dinner because Faith and my brother are kidnapping me," She explained quickly.

Boyd chuckles, leaning against the locker. "It's cool, I can handle a movie," He told the Greenberg. "See you later, beautiful," Kait blushed wildly as Boyd walked away, leaving her alone.

"God, gag me with a blowtorch." Faiths voice caught Kait's attention. Faith leaned against the locker with Nate by her side. "He looks like he smells like a tuna sandwich."

Kait rolled her eyes, "Boyd's nice. He's in the RROTC and he works at the ice rink." She explained with a smile.

"Are you two dating?" Nate asked.

"No, we're just talking," Kait explained simply. "I'm hoping he'll ask me to the Winter Formal,"

Faith rose a brow, standing off the locker and walking down the hall. "You'll probably need to buy him a suit. Or else he'll show up in his uncles or something and it'll be all wrinkly and out of season,"

Kait nods in thought, "True, I'll take him with Nate," The elder sibling looked over, cockily smiling.

Faith approached her locker, opening it quickly as she adjusted her passion twisted hair. She had tied back some of the pieces, and decided upon a pink plaid blazer and skirt set with a pretty black bow around the collar and heels. She held her black handbag in the bend of her arm. "I cant believe you're looking for a date to the Winter Formal,"

"I cant believe you're not," Kait argued. "You should be trying to get Scott to ask you."

"Aren't him and Allison still dating?" Nate asked.

The Auclair held out an acrylic nail, "For now," She hummed. "We still have phase two,"

Kait nods, "Did you find someone—"

"Some loser names Jared, I guess he's been out with pinkeye for a while," Faith explained with a shrug, going through her locker. "Nate will infect himself, and then infect Allison, and boom, Allison will be out with a horrid pink eye until after the formal!"

"But what if she heals?"

Faith clicked her tongue, "Then we put laxatives and rat poison in all of her meals, I don't know." She slowly stopped as Scott came walking by. "Hi, Scotty,"

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