Chapter 10

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(Picture of Mary) Dedicated to MaryanneTanguay

I woke up next to Nash on the couch.

I decided to go and get some Starbucks, so I made a note telling Nash where I was going.

I grabbed Nash's car keys, and left.

He won't mind if I take his car for a little spin. I mean come on, it's not like I'm gonna reck it.

Well actually come to think of it, last time I drove a car, I crashed into a tree. So yeah.

We'll just keep this to ourselves.

On my way to Starbucks, I jammed out to Shawn Mendes's songs.

*At Starbucks*

I walked into Starbucks, and waited in the line.


"Can the line go any faster?" I complained.

"Well technically, the workers are just slow. So they need to hurry their butt, cause I want my coffee." A girl behind me said.

I turned to her, she was gorgeous, I mean drop dead beautiful.

I stifled a laugh.

"Haha, your right. And I also want my coffee to. I'm Eliza. What's your name?" I asked her, holding my hand out to shake hers.

"I'm Mary, I'm waiting in line to get coffee for me and my boyfriend. But if the line doesn't go faster I won't get my cofee." She said.

"Me too, I mean, I'm getting coffee for me and my friend, Nash Grier. But he is cute." I told her, telling the truth.

"Wait, your friends with Nash, my boyfriend is Matt. You know, Matthew Espinosa?" She said.

"Really, well I just met him yesterday. I'm new here in California. So the first magcon boy I met was Cameron, so yeah. But then I met the rest." I told her.

"Ohhh, hey we should all hangout today, if you can?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'd love too."

Mary and I got our coffee and went our separate ways, but not before switching numbers with each other.

I went back to my house, and I looked around for Nash.

"Nash, she's mine. Stay away from her, you know she's my mate. Don't screw this up for me." I heard a voice come from in the kitchen.


What does he mean? Mate?

"I know, man. But you need to stop treating her like meat. If she's gonna be your mate, then you have to be nice, and respect her. And when you think it time to tell her, then tell her. But make sure she is okay with you first. You know what I mean?" Nash told him.

What the hell are they talking about?

I was gonna just pop up, but I almost tripped on my own two feet. Busted.

They both turned around, looking at me.

"Heyyyyy guyyys, what's up?" I asked them, nervous.

"Oh nothing, were you ease dropping on us?" Cameron asked, walking closer to me.

I shuck my head, no.

"Mhm." Nash sighed.

"So I have coffee. Also I met Mary, Matt's girlfriend. She is so pretty, and nice. She wanted to hangout, all of us, today. If you guys want to?" I told them.

Mary was really cool, I liked her and that was for sure.

"Yeah sure. We'd love too." Nash said.

Nash came over to me and took his coffee, Cam came over to, but he was going to take my coffee. I smacked his hand away.

"That's mine.  I didn't know you were gonna be here, so I didn't get you any. Sorry." I told Cameron with a smirk.

"Then I'll just take some of yours." He said, as he took mine.

Excuse me, but nobody takes my Starbucks Coffee. Unless you want to get hurt. And I mean it.

"Cameron, no that's mine. I don't like to share. Don't you dare drink it!" I yelled at him.

I was pissed.

"Guess your gonna have to get it back then." He said, taking a sip of my coffee, which made my blood boil.

Ugh this boy is a pain in my ass.

I ran after Cameron. He was trying so hard not to spill my coffee, making me laugh.

I finally caught up to him, and I got my coffee. Which was only half full.

That bastard.

I was about to pounce on his ass, but instead I just started to cry. Why? I have no fucking clue. I'm a big baby, when it comes to someone drinking my Starbucks Coffee.

"See, look what you've done Cameron. You made her cry. You're such an ass." Nash said to Cameron.

He got up from his seat, and walked over to me, to comfort me.

I looked at Cameron, and he had a sorry look on his face.


I stuck my tongue at him.

I smiled, and walked over to Nash. He pushed Nash away, and picked me up. I was thrown over his shoulder, with my face in his ass.

Again, he has a nice ass.

"Cameron, stoooop!!" I yelled.

He put me down, but grabbed his keys, and dragged me to his car.

Nash got in his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as we got into his car.

"Out." He said.

Well that's a very well description of where we're going. Thanks.

***Vote and Comment***

Heyyyyy guys, so there's a new character, Mary. She is amazing, and she's dating Matt, how cute? Cute! I know right!?! But yeah I'm really loving this book right now. But I'll try to update more. School ends soon for me, so that means a lot of studying for finals. Ugh.

When did, or do you guys get out of school?

Also Magcon is trying to get back together!!!!! But a lot of people think it's not gonna work out. All I have to say is, we'll just have to find out.

Whatever happens, happens.

Lots of love 

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