III | M i s t a k e

15 4 0

There once was a little girl.

She had knocked on the door, without much hope

But put aside her whole life, the old couple surprised her the most

They opened the door and let her in

Saved her from the drowning waters

Saved her from the colossal seas. 

Now she stayed within the house with the family,

that once had helped her when she was in need

Loving, caring, joyful and excitement, that was the family

but the truth was, that this wasn't reality . . .

- - -

Esmerelda walked out of the room, Mr Parkour stood on the stairs. "Exit this mansion immediately" he ordered. She didn't know what to do so she nodded and walked out the entrance.

 It wasn't raining anymore, the sun had emerged from the mountains and it was a beautiful day. Esmerelda walked down an unfamiliar path and then sat down on the ground, crying. Was it right to have walked out on her family or should she have stayed?

The little girl got up again and continued walking. She was a strong woman who could do whatever she was doing right then. A car drove by so she signaled for a ride, hoping that many more cars would drive by. 

She waited for a minute, no car stopped at her signal, before she almost put her hand down a car stopped in front of her. "You want a ride?" a man asked. Something about him made Esmerelda feel uneasy. She tried to push the feeling away.

"Y-Yes, can you take me to Liquorwood?" The little girl asked. All famous businesswomen and men made success in that city so she hoped that the same would happen to her. The man nodded and unlocked the car door. The little girl waited for a moment before stepping in. 

The man drove far into the forest Esmerelda didn't exactly know where Liquorwood was so she just assumed that the man was taking a shortcut. She sat there awkwardly for over an hour before asking "Are we there yet?" the man nodded his head.

"Yeah, we're here" he stepped out of the car but didn't unlock the door of her side. It felt wrong, they were still in the woods, it couldn't be Liquorwood here! Last time Esmerelda checked Liquorwood was a city! Had she made a mistake trusting this unknown man?

The Little Girl - The story of Esmerelda GrimaldWhere stories live. Discover now