VI | F a s t - f o r w a r d

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She was in the basement, staring at the bowl of crusty porridge. 

Her life was a mess! Esmerelda should have just kept on walking to somewhere instead of taking a ride with this guy.

- - -

Esmerelda shredded tears from her eyes. It was her first anniversary of being a slave. . .

"We're going to a - thing" Mrs Crimson informed.

"So stay home!" Mr Crimson was harsher. She gave a smile and waved them off but as soon as the door closed she let one tear slip. She rubbed the marks from the shock bracelet, she couldn't run away because of it!

Esmerelda looking at the Crimson's room and thought to herself

"I'm doing this as a birthday present for myself" 

She hesitated before throwing the door open. Yes! What she wanted was right there, laying on the bedside table. She quickly picked it up and gave herself a low voltage shock just to make sure that it really was the remote control to her shock bracelet. After a year of serving them, she was basically immune to shock. 

Now she had to find a way to run away! She knew the door was locked so it was hopeless trying that, she couldn't beat it open either because of the sleepless and starved nights, she couldn't bear to eat the food that they gave her, so she sneaked in bits of the Crimson's food along with hers. Now it's getting off-topic.

She picked up a steel bottle and flung it across the room. Glass breaking was just the sound she wanted to hear. A few scratches and bruises were hurting but she ignored them. It was a forest but she continued to limp to a safe place. Esmerelda looked to her arm, blood was oozing out uncontrollably!

And before she even knew it, she had passed out, she lay lifeless on the ground . . .

The Little Girl - The story of Esmerelda GrimaldWhere stories live. Discover now