VIII | F r e e

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Two days passed by quickly in the hospital, Esmerelda was surprised to receive the care and kindness that she had never felt before.

"So I don't have to do any work?" She asked on the first day in the hospital.

"No, you don't" the nurse had smiled at her kindly.

"The doctor says you have to talk to a policeman about what happened to you. Are you nervous?" Harriet asked walking up to Esmerelda.

"No, I just hope that the Crimsons get caught" she looked down.

"Hey! Don't worry, they will! But for now, I bought a fun board game we can lay, and I also have some very exciting news to tell you!" Harriet squealed while unpacking a few board games she had bought for her and Esmerleda to play.

While rolling the dice Harriet mentioned, "So, where are you planning to go after you get dismissed from the hospital?"

"I don't know really, I guess I could go to Liqorwood" Esmerelda shrugged her shoulders.

"So you technical don't have anywhere to go?" Harriet tilted her head.

Esmerelda nodded her head "Well then that's great news because my family had voted to take care of you until they find a good home for you! We can be sisters together!" Esmerelda jumped with joy in her mind, she wondered how it would feel to be part of a proper family where she didn't have to earn money or serve anyone.

"Your getting out of the hospital today I hope you enjoy your new free life" 

The Little Girl - The story of Esmerelda GrimaldWhere stories live. Discover now