VII | F o u n d

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It's been a year since she's been a slave

It's been a year since she's run away

She's out now but she never forgave

All these months she had been their prey

This surprised them all

But is this the only curveball?

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"Coach! Help!" A screech woke her up. Esmerelda's whole body was paining and she was conscious for the only next two seconds before zooming out again.

- - -

"It's fine, just take deep breaths okay" Someone comforted Esmerelda.

"Is she fine?" That same girl's voice rang.

"Yes, she's just a little blacked out" The man who Esmerelda assumed was the doctor said.

She got up after a few seconds and looked around, where the heck was she! A girl with short hair and blue eyes stood beside her. There was nothing but silence, Esmerelda wasn't the best at making friends so it was uncomfortable for her, she waited for the other girl to make a move but when she didn't Esmerelda decided that it was her turn to make the first step.

"Um, Hi" Esmerelda said shyly.

"Hi, What's your name?" The girl answered.

"Esmerelda, you?" She then realized that this mystery girl was kind.

"I'm Harriet, nice to meet you" Harriet had a beautiful smile on her face. Esmerelda asked what had happened to her and Harriet answered "Oh you came running and then you just passed out and I don't what happened really, I just called the coach and he helped me take you to the hospital" Esmerelda nodded her head, for some reason she felt as if there was something she was running from but she just couldn't point it out. Would it be possible that she lost her memory? "Oh yes and there was one more thing, you had this remote in your hand and a bracelet on your hand, The doctors say that it was a shock bracelet but they're not very sure"

Yes! Suddenly everything in Esmerelda's head was sorted! Like the missing piece of the puzzle was put on and the picture made sense!  She was a slave to the Crimsons and she was running away from their house because she heard them coming back!

The Little Girl - The story of Esmerelda GrimaldWhere stories live. Discover now