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As the sunlight streamed down through the billowing curtains, flickering while the spots of color danced across the room, all Amity knew was pain. From the moment the light hit her eyes and convinced them to open, pain had crashed over her in pounding and relentless waves. She longed for comfort, in her mind she begged and pleaded for forgiveness, as if somehow this were a punishment for some wretched crime that she somehow committed.

After all, how could being in love be held to the same consequence as that of a crime?

She would laugh at the thought, if only the pain hadn't hurt so bad. Rather than try to accomplish anything, let alone try to call for any form of help, she lay there. Heart aching, lungs burning, after all this was her punishment, right? Her death sentence for letting her heart and head think and feel in ways she shouldn't. All that was left was to let the curse grow as her body rotted.

She coughed a little, letting slip a weakened smile as soft golden petals fluttered over her head like a halo. She licked away some of the blood that trickled down her chin. Even now, she couldn't help but think of the person who caused her such despair. The kind, thoughtful, and adorable person who was everything opposite compared to her body's turmoil. Deep down, buried past the flowers rooted into her, past the thorns holding her heart in a vice grip, there was still warmth in the thought of Luz. She wanted nothing more than for the human girl to sit here by her side, even if she merely watched Amity crumple and break, she didn't care.

That was all she wanted.

She eventually grew distant to the world around her, only slipping back through the cracks for a moment whenever the pain grew too intense or a cough racked through her paired with the flowers that were unnaturally forced out of her. She was sure someone must have found her by now, yet every time she awoke she found herself in the same familiar room, alone.

She wasn't even too sure she ever was awake. For all she could tell, she could very well have been lost to sleep the entire time. The only thing that really separated one from the other was the absence of this undesirable pain, and the partnership of her loving friend.

Eventually she finally did wake up, and this time she was certain it was real. There was no way that even her mind could concoct the mixture of pain and emotions swirling like a storm inside of her. Plus, this time she was in a slightly different situation.

She could make out a faint beeping, yet she couldn't quite tell if it was quiet due to being far away, or her illness. She could feel cold, painful plastic pressed down her throat, in her arms, her lungs. She was still back in her own bed, which wasn't surprising due to how far her condition had progressed. The familiar ceiling above her gave little reassurance. She did notice that someone had tucked her in with softer blankets than the ones she had been laying on when she first slipped away. It felt good to know someone cared at least a little.

It didn't take long for drowsiness to press on her chest and drag her down. She let her tear stained eyes fall shut. She felt no need to struggle to keep consciousness, seeing as no medicine could lessen her pain. She was almost lost to the world again when something changed.

She could feel the tubes that aided her in nourishment and drawing breath slowly pulled back out. It was painfully uncomfortable, and while it was nothing compared to her illness it was enough to pull her back. She could feel someone's touch, gentle and soft cupping the side of her face. She let herself relax into the hand, feeling the first tiny piece of comfort since this nightmare had started. Eventually, she became certain that whoever it was was trying to speak to her. She strained to pick up what they were saying, but only came up with a few words.

Lumity, with a dark side! (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now