Broken (part one)

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Due to the scenes set in this story, the characters portrayed have had their ages altered to around 17-19. If self harm, reference to abuse,  and language offend/disturb you, then I highly advise ya skip this ol thing. Please keep in mind, this IS a story where Amity gets HELP, and it is a progression story, where she gets better. *awkward laugh* I probably have some adorable fluff and cute lovey dovey stuff with our cotton candy haired goddess and bb otter elsewhere! If not, for hecking sure they are a comin! (also, if you have thoughts like this/do things like this, I advise you to seek help! You can always talk to me too! <3) Cya later!

(side note: Picked the picture cuz it has that sad angst vibe, plus Ammers is cryin, so it works!)

   "Fine! Screw you either way!" She screamed, slamming her door and bolting it up. She even added an enforcing spell, to be sure no dumbass could even think to get in to her. 

   She stood there, staring at nothing, shoulders shaking from an intense combination of twisting rage, stabbing fear, and raging sadness. The pain soon sunk in, making her eyes burn as she tried to force her tears back. But, they persisted, and soon found their way trailing down her cheeks. One the same soft shade of peaches and cream it had always been, the other burning an angry red where her father had struck her. The tears stung her discolored skin. 

   She never knew he could be the type to hurt his own child, his youngest especially. 

   Amity finally broke, letting her legs buckle as she sank to the floor, sobbing as regret and pain swirled inside her like a raging storm of loss. It hurt. Everything, her head, her skin, her heart, everything. Even the cold floor against her hands felt like ice piercing into her flesh. She had never felt so unsafe in her life, it was a pain that somehow only came in second. 

   She didn't care about her pain, or her parent's betrayal. No, she was far too used to their relentless abuse both physically and mentally. Ever since she was young they had always tried to twist and cut her to fit into the mold of a 'perfect' daughter. They failed with Emira, so why not target the one who was always on her own? She had to admit that they had brains, as hellish as it was. 

   No, her real pain was a groping vine covered in thorns, growing inside her and concealing her heart in a stabbing grip. She could never see Luz again. That is, if she didn't want the girl to be harmed in whatever unspeakable way her parents had cooked up. 

   'She's a human.' She recalled her mother saying, 'They aren't as strong as we are, even their very bones. Weaklings, and a disgrace to witch-kind. It would be... so, so easy to crush her. There are infinite possibilities my dear mittens, unless you get that pretty little head of yours out of the clouds and think for one minute on what that means.' 

   She shuddered, digging her palms into her ears as if it would force her mother's voice out of her skull. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" She sobbed. She eventually resorted to screaming, which finally was enough for the threats to fade into nothing but background noise. They couldn't hear her, but even if they could, why would anyone care? 

She screamed until her throat grew sore and rough. She trembled as she sucked in quick and desperate breaths, the air filling her chest with icy coldness that only added to her torture. 

   All she wanted was a distraction, something stronger than the pain, something that could make it seem like nothing. She didn't care what it was at this point, no matter how beautiful or horrifying it turned out to be. She craved it more than her dry lips craved the sweet chill of water. She forced herself up, her legs aching as her muscles screamed in as much agony as she felt, if not more. She trailed her hands up and down her arms, stopping at her wrists to dig her blackened nails into her skin. It felt good as the only warmth left in her trickled down her hands, staining her skin to match her burning face. It turned the pain away the same way her cries snuffed out Odalia's wretched opinions. But it still wasn't enough to satisfy the longing that burned a hole through her soul. She didn't want it anymore, she needed it.

   She pulled her top drawer open with a shaky hand, pushing her clothes aside until she found what she desired. It sat right beside the only picture that could fill her to the brim with radiant warmth. Her gaze passed by it as if it were a very blank and very dull piece of parchment. Her hand closed around the cool metal, her shoulders slowing to a stop as she picked it up. 

   It was like it was calling to her, sending strength through her. Deep down she knew it wasn't a true solution, simply a tool she could use to keep the pain away a little longer. She'd only once used it before, but her hunger roared inside of her, refusing to be ignored or pushed down any longer. 

   Resisting any hesitation that lingered in the back of her mind, she slashed the blade across her wrist, freeing the warmth she craved as she continued to dig in the steely silver. 

   She stepped back and sat down, barely noticing herself sink into the plush comforter and cushions that used to be enough to block out her lustful need for the pain. She pulled the knife away, raising her hand to study the damage. Her blood trailed down her arm, the scent filling her brain as her thoughts slurred. It was like her own brand of heroine for her to indulge in whenever she pleased. Just as she had hoped, all of her pain faded away as her flesh stung from the new wound. The hunger faded away almost as quickly as it had surfaced. 

   She stood again, stepping into the large bathroom that connected to her very large bedroom. Her parent's thought she should be grateful for this home but they were oh so wrong. 

   She pulled a first aid kit out from under her sink, treating and bandaging her wounds with careful precision despite never being placed in the healing track like she had wanted as a child. 

   She returned to her pillowy fortress, leaving the drug dealer to stain the counter red. She sank into her bed gratefully, burrowing into the blankets. She smiled, despite the fresh wave of tears crashing over her. She didn't mind letting herself cry anymore. 

   Her ears twitched as a light tapping drifted through her door. She ignored it, turning away as she reached for the little plush Odeben off of her bed stand. She hugged it tightly as a second hand knocked against the wood. 'Just go away' , her mind begged desperately. 

   "Hey, Ami, are you okay?" The gentle voice of her sister crooned, causing Amity to untense and relax again. 

   "Yeah mi- Amity." She heard Edric chime in, "Are you alright? Did ma and pop yell at you again?" 

   She didn't respond, until Emira tried again with a worried tone. "I... I'm fine." She stammered shakily, frowning. "I'm fine." she repeated a bit stronger. 

   "I've never been better..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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