VOLUME 2 Chapter 13: Welcome to Raccoon City

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[...Racoon City...]

As Team ANAS and the Huntsman they were going to be Shadowing landed in the Abandoned city, They all were instantly on guard for any Hostile Grimm on sight with their Weapons drawn. Akame holding both her hand guns, Nero aiming his Double Barreled Revolver, Anastasias sword drawn and checking every corner, Shirou with bow in hand inspecting the far off Places, And the Expert Huntsmen here, Solid snake On one knee and a hand gun in hand aiming forward.

And as they took a Closer look around them, they could see buildings in shambles, Destroyed Cars and Properties everywhere, what little human remains that were left scattered, and there was barely any Sunlight in the city.
Everyone were getting Bad and Dreadful Feelings from their Surroundings, but Snake was only Remembering bad memories of tons of innocent lives being lost many years ago.

"...It's clear." Said Snake as he got up and put his hand gun back in its holster, and everyone else lowered their guard a bit, but not too much.

"...Where....IS this place?" Anastasia Asked

"This...Is Raccoon City." Answered Snake
"It used to be A City that was A Part of Vale, Business was good, Dust manufacturing Went Well, And the Economy was Good too. it was Practically the most Successful City of Vale."

"This...used to be a Part of Vale?" Shirou Questioned, as they started to Follow Snake too as He started to slowly walk through the streets of Raccoon City

"Well until Almost 30 years ago. One day a massive Horde Of 'Grimm' Attacked it and at least 14% of the entire Civilization of the City managed to Evacuate. Barely evacuate that is." Explained Snake

"That...Sound terrible." Said Anastasia

"so, We Clearing Grimm here, right?" asked Nero

"Just Around This one District Of the City. So Don't Wonder off far too Off. Unless you want to get killed." Snake Warned them

And so they all moved through A Street that was Empty and Devoid of Life, Light and even color.
Everyone where getting a sense Dread and death and Sorrow from their Surrounding the more they Entered in the city streets.

But they also knew one Small thing as well: This city was the Perfect place for a white fang hide out.


And Soon Enough, they say a Pack of Beowolves Up ahead, Crashing and smashing some Truck Left overs

"Ah, Perfect timing." Spoke Snake as he looked back toward the Students
"Now, Show me what you kids can do."

"Right." Nodded Akame, As she and her team Prepared their Weapons.

And a battle of All out Grimm killing began. And Snake just watched.
He already knew How Akame and Nero could fight, And As he had Expected they Have improved since the last time he had seen them. But they still had their Flaws, which Weren't anywhere near to being taken care of. Which are Akame being Too Reactive And Lacking a Gut feeling, and Nero still being too Reliant on his Right Hand which was also his Semblance.

He Also Took Notes from the other two: Shirou Emiya and Anastasia Schnee.

First, Anastasia: He was Actually Surprised that All three of Dantes Daughters were Pared up With two Schnees. He knew about them far too well, But finding out that they were Now in the same team as the Young Redgraves Was news to him.
He also saw that Anastasia Did Not have the traditional Glyph Semblance ALL Schnees had. Repeating, ALL OF THE SCHNEES. But THIS one Generation had an Entirely Deferent Semblance, One Simply Named Frostbite. He could see Clearly that the Name was Well Earned, As With a Semblance Such as that, She Practically had an Endless Supply Of Ice Dust and could use them in A lot of Crafty ways. Shooting Ice Spikes. Summoning Ice paths toward the Enemy, And Even Sending Cold Winds that could Freeze Everything. But she also Fell at the same Category as Nero: Being to Reliant on her Semblance.

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