VOLUME 4 Atlas Arc, Chapter 1: Back to A miserable life

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[Atlas, Schnee manor]

Anastasia looks out the window as she watches Airships fly by.
Ever since she returned to Atlas...Everything's been terrible.

Her life was quiet and normal now again, But...She was back here in this damn mansion, right where Her father Jacques, Her brother Whitely, Her good for nothing Mother Willow...And the only one she could trust now was Weiss.
It would have been Winter too if she was still here that is. This only drove Anastasia to resent Winter further.

"Miss Schnee?" Ana then looked over to see her families most royal butler, Klein spoke up as he entered the room and walks toward Her
"You haven't touched your tea."

"Oh?" Anastasia looked down and noticed the teacup Klein brought for her over an hour ago, Untouched and cold without ever taking even one taste of it.
"....I....See. I must have lost interest."
'The Tea Shirou used to make was leagues better than these Cheap and bland brands father always orders.' 

"Would you like it if I warmed it back up for you miss?" Klein asked

"...No. Throw it away." Anastasia answered and looks out of the window again
"I always hated this brands taste anyway."

"As you wish." Klein nodded picked the teacup and walks out of the room.

".....It's so goddamn hot in this room for some reason." She made up the excuse and decided to stroll around in the Mansion.
It felt empty and barren.

'UUUUUUUgh, I can't believe I'm back here again.' Anasasia thought to herself as she walked down a long and white hallway
'I actually forgot how...boring and tasteless this over glorified castle looks.'
She was reminded of how she and her team decorated their dorm room.
...It was really fun now that she thought about it.
'...I miss my team...A-And_' 


With a frustrated look in her eyes, she turns around and sees her little brother: Whitely.
The boy she despises the most.
"What do you want?"

"Oh come now. I'm just greeting you my dear sister~" Whitely said with a sweet tone.

"...I am anything BUT 'dear' to you, and you know it yourself." Anastasia said, glaring at him.

"I guess Beacon just made you more brash." Whitely smiled
"More than usual."

"Just go away and DIE Whitely." Anastasia said and began to walk away.

"Oh, and Father wanted to meet Weiss in his office." Whitely suddenly said

"...Why?" Anastasia asked

"I do not know." Whitely answered smiling
"Probably something very important."

"Probably a way to make profit off of Weiss yet again." Anastasia said crossing her arms
"Not that you'd care."

"Why wouldn't I care about my sister being the center of attention?" Whitely said
"You know, Unlike you."

"...You know, after these past 16 years of me living with you, and after being away from you for so long in Vale, I've made a VERY GRAND Discovery." Anastasia said

"Oh? Really??" Whitely asked pretending to be interested
"What would that be?"

"I REALLY, And I mean REAAAAALY, Really Really Really Really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEEAAAAALLLY, HATE your Obnoxious voice." Anastasia said glaring at him.

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