Chapter 10

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Silk purse in hand. The distant smell of food and perfume. My heels were the only sound to be heard as I walked through the Grey's mansion.

My skin had only now started to cool off, but a hot ball of irritation remained inside of me. He couldn't get that close to me.

It was inappropriate, and a complete disregard for the rules my brothers and father had set. Next time, I'd know better than to let that Russo get in my head.

My ringtone burst through my purse. I jumped, startled by the sudden sound and exhaling. I stopped to bury through my bag, hoping it was Beverly calling.

All of the lectures and rants I was going to throw at her were prepared but when I looked at my screen I only saw no caller ID.

My thumb scratched my nose. I usually never got those kind of phone calls, my brothers blocked anyone other than who I had in my contacts list from calling me, so this was confusing to say the least.

Truly hoping it was Beverly and not a scammer, I answered the phone.


"No." A familiar voice replied, and my world stopped. Drained of colour. Of life, of hope for a future and freedom I dreamed of.

I swallowed, unable to release the air lodged in my lungs. "Why are you calling me?"

"Come on, aren't you going to give me a proper hello?"

"What do you want? If my brothers find out you called me you'll be buried al-"

His laugh was delirious. "They won't Babe. Instead they'll be burying you alive. And ask me why?"

I pulled the phone away from my ears and went put my finger on the decline button.


My jaw clenched and I brought my phone to my ears again, though all I wanted to do was to throw it in the trash so he could never contact me again. But I knew him too well, he'd probably show up at my doorstep to get his word across.


Three. Two. One...

"I have something....a memory, of ours."

There it was.

"So what, you're threatening me with it?" I didn't realise how tight my fists were balled until my palms felt raw. "Isn't it pathetic to be using that against me after all those years?"

"What you should be asking me is where is my address?"

A snort escaped me. "And why would I ask that you pig. I don't think you remember who I am."

"Actually I remember exactly who are. We didn't date behind your parents backs for me to not know you."

"You know nothing about me."

"I know that you'll do anything to stay out of trouble. And if I ever release what I have...well, I've seen the bruises. Lets just say your Papà won't be happy."

Bile rose in my throat. I grabbed my mouth and leaned my side against the wall, swallowing down my lunch as the regret struck me.

I could see myself.

Young and in love and willing to do anything just to show it to a guy who took advantage of me.

I could feel his careless touch. The ruffled sheets, the horror in my stomach when I realised he was recording.

I didn't confront him until after, but by then it was too late. The devastation ate me up enough to flee from his sight. From the sights of everyone in my family.

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