Chapter 38

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~Cristian POV~

Seven in the fucking morning and someone couldn't wait for me to put my Goddamn clothes on before I came down. 

I swung the door open, and when my eyes rested on a pair of wrinkled, beady eyes, all remnants of sleep left me. "What do you want?" I snapped lowly.

Giuseppe was unfazed by my tone. "I want my daughter back."

He thought he could come to my door and claim her. What a joker.

I wanted to throw mine and Elena's marriage in his face, but it wasn't logical. Besides, she would kill me - and be the only one successful at it.

"Go home." I told him and planned on slamming the door in his face before he spoke again.

"He knows."

He pulled something from the pocket of his red tux and handed me an envelope, which upon emptying, I found pictures. 

Pressure hit my lungs as I set my eyes on one of them, and when I saw Elena, anger shot through my veins. The photo was crushed as my hand balled. He'd caught her off guard standing on the balcony, oblivious to the drone capturing her image.

As I dropped the photo on the ground, Giuseppe's eyes narrowed with pleasure. "My son's already released your exact location to your father. You return Elena, you'll have time to leave. If not, he'll get you both in say..." he checked his watch. "Ten minutes."

A tremble struck my hand trying not to grab his throat and tear it out. Its what I wanted to do, tear him apart piece by piece and feed him to the wolves. They'd probably spit him out.

"Think it through." Giuseppe smiled just as footsteps padded from inside.

"Who's at the..." Elena stopped behind me when she saw her Papa. She squinted at her father like she couldn't see clearly after waking up. Still wearing my shirt, and her own pyjamas with a blanket over her shoulders.

Giuseppe smiled at her, leaving behind any trace of his threat. "Since you're already dressed, lets go."

She slowly glanced at me, and then at her father.
"You can't try that again Papa it won't work. I'm not going back."

Fuck, she said it so confidently. Something was happening to me because letting go of this woman had become physically painful. Even for her own safety, even knowing my father was relentless.

Now he knew I had a wife, he'd stop at nothing to get her. He wouldn't just hand her a box of chocolates like a normal in-law. He'd dissect her piece by piece and make me watch, for character development. It was his sick way of reforming.

My jaw tightened to stop myself from speaking. "Go, Elena." I finally let out.

Worry crowded her sleep-ridden face and she blinked those soft eyes at me, reaching for my hand. "Cristian-"

"I said. Go." I snapped and her eyes widened on mine. She was so distracted by what I'd done, she didn't protest when her Papa took her arm.

Her blanket fell on the ground as she stepped out, turning back to look at me like she hoped I was joking. The betrayal in her eyes when she realised it wasn't was enough to break any man.

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