Chapter 35

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~Elena POV~

My knee couldn't stop bouncing. I ran my fingers through my hair and returned them back to my lips. I was a nervous wreck.

His remainder on my skin burned into my bloodstream, fighting with the shock of what I'd just learned. I wasn't mad at Cristian, but for an entirely different reason; the reservations against him were fading. I was afraid I'd dive and drown.

Most definitely drown. I needed a reason to be away from him or I didn't know what I'd do. My lips throbbed. My hair was still messed up from his hands in it, and as I sat here against the window, I knew there was no going back now.

I shivered at the thought and buried deeper into my blanket. I only sat on the floor because I figured the coldness of it would ground me, but it wasn't working. I still waited for him to come up and when he did, he leaned against the doorframe, searing holes into my face.

"If wanting you is a crime, then lock me up."

"I should have known." I replied, avoiding his eyes.

"You know now."

I blinked momentarily, and our gazes held in a silent exchange. The intensity of his words had melted the desperate heat inside me, but part of it remained.

He walked into my room, broke my confusion when he pulled me into his arms and carried me out of my room. 

"Where to?"

"You're my wife, you're not sleeping in another room."


I couldn't remember when I fell asleep but I woke up to a room filled with rays of sunlight, and I was lost for a brief second until I saw his shirt hung outside the wardrobe and realised...

A gasp left my mouth at the warmth around my waist. I looked back at inches of bare, muscled skin and gave myself a mental face smack. It was like I was still a virgin. First morning married and I didn't even recognise my own husband.

God, husband.

I was still to get used to it. When I turned to face him, I let out a shallow breath. How could I ever get used to this?

Short strands of black hair had fallen over his forehead as he slept on his side. One arm around my waist, the other beneath his head.

He was gorgeous. He really was a devil, but didn't feel like one with his warmth against my body and his breaths...even and shallow. I reached out to touch his inkings, running my fingers over the snake before he grabbed my hand and flickered his eyes open.

"Fuck." He muttered before releasing me and rolling onto his stomach, closing his eyes again. "You wanna finish what you started?"

"Good morning to you too. What happened to staying on your side of the bed?"

"You're my wife. Staying on my side of the bed isn't whats on my mind, Elena."

I ignored him and sat up, peeling the covers off to get out this king-sized bed. It was the only piece of furniture here, aside from built in wardrobes. I already suspected his room would be the same as the rest of the penthouse - a big empty pace, but I never thought it'd smell so good. Like clean cotton and him.

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