Chapter 29

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~Elena POV~

These kind of nights were the reason I loved winter. Snow floating down behind the bay windows. Fire crackling by my side amidst the silence. I made my move and waited for Diego.

"What's wrong? You look scared."

He ran a hand down his face. He already knew his fate and had no choice but to move the final piece, and my arms flew into the air. "Elena wins again! Hand it over."

Diego rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet which was almost empty now. I quickly stashed the thousand dollars he handed in the pocket of my pjs and smiled. Chess never fared well for Diego, its probably why I had to beg him to play.

"What are you even gonna do with all that?" He asked trying to seem annoyed, but we both knew it was spare change for him.

"Giving it to a charity that provides food to Syria."

Diego's brows dropped. Now he really seemed annoyed.


He stood from the carpet. "Quit being such a Princess, it's why you're getting married to a freak."

"He's not a freak."

He picked his nose in front of my family at last nights dinner.

Ugh, why I was even defending him? Maybe I just didn't want to admit I was marrying someone I felt zero attraction for.

Standing from the rug, I started putting away the chess board and pieces before noticing the way Diego sank on the couch. He looked like a sad chick-flick girl, embodied as a six ft two man. All he needed to do was rest his chin on his hand.

"He doesn't fucking deserve you. I bet another ten grand if someone tried to hurt you, he'd run."

Sighing, I sat next to him and stared into the fireplace. "You've protected me my whole life. Beat up my high school bully, chased the man who tried stealing my purse into the Hudson. It's time for you to rest, all of you."

His silence tore my heart. I'd never seen any of my brothers so vulnerable before, let alone the meanest.

My lips parted to comfort him some more before his phone buzzed and he pulled it out, shock prying his eyes wide open.

"What?" I asked and tried to look but he shut his phone and stood.

"Fifty of our men were shot dead, our ammunition shipment sank, and cops raided our warehouse. Fuck I gotta go tell-"

The front door slammed. Me and Diego locked eyes before I stood from the couch, and we made our way to the lobby to see Papa. Fury burned in his eyes, but he wasn't angry in his usual way.

He stood still and quiet. Fists balled. Eyes on me with so much hatred, my chest quivered.

Diego broke the silence. "I'm heading to the warehouse to clear the cops, where's the paperwork?"

"Later." Papa snapped. I swallowed hard and tried easing the tension myself.

"I heard about what happened...who did it?"

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