Chapter 7

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Everything in the shower screamed death.

Red stained every surface, including my skin which was raw from scrubbing. everything around me was stained red. My loofah, the tiles, the water going down the drain.

And the smell was sickening. So metallic I was going to throw up. I was used to the smell of blood, I just never had someone splattered all over me.

I probably showered 3 times to finally feel clean, and when I was done I got changed into my cosiest pyjamas, and laid on my bed. A map of the world lay on the wall opposite from me. I'd highlighted every place I wanted to go, even though it was impossible. I'd probably get married off to a strict husband and forced to procreate.

A hint of the blood smell from the bathroom made me scrunch my nose.

You'd think having a gun held to me several times in my life would make me used to the world I lived in. But it didn't.

I was human after all. Sometimes I felt like the only human in this fucked up world. Being raised around death, and men with vile intentions, I still remained level-headed. Many would say it was a blessing. I'f say it was a curse.

I had grown so tired of hating this world. Gangs and shootings and imprisonment. I was even jealous of the women who had no problem with their lives, like Nina Vitielli. If only going shopping was enough for me to oversee how terrible this place was.

My life consisted of obeying my father, never going out all to eventually get married off to a husband who did the same thing to me.

It was a cycle every women in the Cosa Nostra knew too well. This is how it was for anyone in my position. Its how it was for my Nonna, for my Mama and it's how it will be for me. My father doesn't care how I feel - all he cares about is his money and power.

It's what all men like him cared about.

There was a knock at the door before my mom peeked her head in. "Are you all clean amore mio?" She asked as she walked in.

"Yes mama."

"Me and your father were talking..." she closed the door and I sat up. "You got another proposal. It's the Bianchi's."

"Oh." I sighed, disappointed that was the only news my mother had to tell me.

"You know their son Aldo, right?"

"Not really, I met him once and we barely talked."

"Well he's a few years older than you, so the age gap is perfect."

I shook my head, and my mind wandered off to an unknown place. Regrettably I thought of the age gap between me and Cristian, who was 28. I heard it from Nonna who rambled on about how he saved my life today. That was one terrible car ride.

"Did dad agree?" I asked, holding a breath but when she shook her head no, I released it.

"Said it wasn't worth his business. Anyway, goodnight mi amor." She pressed a kiss to my forehead before shutting the light and leaving.


Beverly remained still like she was holding a breath of air. Finally, she let it out. "I slept with Asher last night."

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