Chapter 11

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"What the fuck is that dress Elena?" Vito was almost seething as we entered the hall, my arm around his.

"It's Versace, Vito."

"Well get something to cover it." His tone was not to be questioned, and I would have listened if I wasn't so tipsy. When my eye caught onto Nina Vitielli from across the hall, she waved at me and I waved back, all before Vito grabbed my arm.

"You've been drinking." He said, examining my eyes with a crease between his brows. He wasn't surprised. We all knew Papà held his stash on the highest shelf which could be reached with a chair. And a broom.

"I just had a little." I pinched two fingers together. "I promise."

I didn't seem to be convincing him, but he released me, gesturing two fingers between us signalling he was going to be watching me.

Right now, I needed to talk to Adrian. There was another book I wanted to borrow from him so I scanned around the foyer of the mansion, my eyes stopping when I noticed Michael Grey, Adrian's father.

I asked Mr Grey where Adrian was, who dismissively threw his finger towards a hallway behind a pillar.

I blinked, wondering if it was a good idea for me to go there. Snooping was never a habit of mine, but the Bianchi's were tight with my father so I guess it would be okay for me to go in search for a friend.

I followed the golden, dim hallway, quickly reaching a tall brown door that was open just a crack. A streak of light bled out into the darkness, and hesitation made me stand still.

No, I wasn't going to do this. I turned to walk away before I heard Adrian's voice from inside. Closing my eyes, I exhaled and turned around before pushing the door open.

At first glance I could see this was a games room. Adrian was standing in front of a pool table, alone and rubbing chalk at the end of his cue.

I widened the door and walked in, receiving a glance from him. "You came after all huh?"

"I had to wear this dress somewhere." I replied making his eyes move to my dress, which was white, tight and stopped at my thighs.

I wasn't sure what possessed me to wear something this scantily clad, especially knowing I have 5 overprotective brothers and a father.

"What the fuck Elena?"

"I already heard it from my brothers, I don't need it from you." My hand slid along the wood outside the table as I walked around it. "Are you really playing pool by yourself?"

"About to with Mario."


"You know Cristian? The guy your father's working with, his cousin."

"He has a cousin? Huh, I never thought he'd have family."

"He does."

"Is he here?" I asked with more interest than intended, and quickly hid it by scratching the tip on my nose. "Cristian Russo, I mean."

Adrian only shot a glance at me. "Mmhmm."

I rested my palms on the table, watching Adrian set up the balls. "How can you even have history with a man like him?"

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