Happy Hunger Games

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I barely slept, because I was thinking about Prim and Gale. Gale might survive, but Prim was so fragile and nice. She couldn't kill anyone, and I would probably have to hang out with the other victors who were watching their relatives die.

The next day was going to be torture.Effie in her silly Capitol outfit skipped up on stage. I stood with the rest of the crowd. Effie said in a chirpy voice,"Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor." The Dark Days video played on the screen. Then it was the part I dreaded,"Ladies first," Effie said. She walked over to the bowl and grabbed the only envelope and looked at it.

She sighed,"Primrose Everdeen," Prim slowly walked to the stage. I felt like I was about to cry. Peeta walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder."Next, the boys." Effie pulled out an envelope and read it,"Braden Mellark." Peeta tightened his grip on her shoulder, that was his brother. Then I heard someone shout,"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE."

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