Voltice and Statak

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Katniss's POV
I stared at the tv, while the news about thirteen sunk in. A monstrous roar echoed in the TV. A cannon went off. The tributes looked in that direction.

"This Jay Conur, tell me about him," I asked no one in particular. Beetee answered,"The mentors never talked about him, but I know when he was young he had a submissive mind that could be controlled easily. The Capitol experimented on him, and now President Snow can control him and basically can chose what happens in the games."

Two tributes went up to Tyga, Maple, Prim, Gale, and Jay. "Voltice and Statak...." Wiress murmured. "Yes, our tributes have arrived. Voltice and Statak are my niece and nephew," Beetee said.

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