The Second Rebellion

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After that we went to bed. The next morning I woke up and went down to breakfast. The only people at the table were Peeta, Effie,and Haymitch."Today's Gale and Prim's first day of training," Haymitch said.

"Katniss do you know what skills Prim and Gale have?" Hamitch asked."Well Gale is good with a bow, but he really good at making snares.Prim is a really good healer, but she's not good with weapons."

"What are we talking about?" Prim asked as she walked in. "Where's Gale?" I asked. "He just woke up he'll come down soon." There was a short silence then Gale came down. "Today in training, you guys stay away from snares and whatever your good at Prim," Haymitch said.

Gale looked at him,"Why?" "It's good to surprise the gamemakers." After breakfast me and Peeta showed Gale and Prim down to the training center.

Haymitch came to us and said,"We need to talk." "What?" I asked. He dragged us into a supplies closet and shut the door,"Listen, me, a few other mentors like Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason, and Pluntarch Heavensbee the head gamemaker are going to begin a second rebellion." Haymitch let that sink in."

"A second rebellion?" Peeta said."Yep and as we're ready we'll get all of the tributes who are related to the victors who are in the Rebellion," Haymitch replied."

"WHAT!!" I screamed. Haymitch put his hand over my mouth."Will you be quiet girl," he hissed."What if you aren't ready by the time the Hunger Games ends?" "I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see."


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