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Luca's POV:

Bria Swam in at full speed.

"We need you back now."

"Why, what's wrong."

"Alberto escaped, and we know who took him."


"Dario." No further explanation needed, I swam out of the house, not waiting for Bria. I swam past the island and toward the shores of my little Italian town. As soon as my feet touched sand, I took off running, calling for Alberto. 

"Luca?" I turned toward the distant call, and ran in that direction as fast as I could. And then I saw him standing there ahead of me.

"Alberto!" he turned around, eyes searching. When they fell on me, he grinned. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?" I gently ran my fingers over the red mark on his cheek and he winced. I drew my hand back, hugging him again.

"I'll be fine. But more trouble is on it's way. Dario took Bruno's abandonment worse than Bria and I. Became a Psycho." I saw Dario round the corner and the three of us took up defensive stances. Dario smiled cruelly. 

"You shouldn't have sent Bri to go get him."

"What-?" I started, but before I could finish the question, Dario dashed forward,  grabbing my arm and pulling me close, his arm wrapped around my chest.


Alberto's POV:

Dario had Luca before I had even realized what was happening. Luca clawed at the boy's arm, trying to escape.

"No!" I tried to charge Dario, but he pulled a cloth out of his pocket, and I skidded to a stop.

"Come one step closer." he held the cloth in front of Luca's face. and Luca squirmed. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of the chemical on the cloth.

"Don't breathe it in." I warned. Dario sneered.

"Back up." I obeyed, furious that Dario was using Luca as leverage.

"Dario!" An angry voice called from behind me. I turned to see Bria speeding down the street towards us.

"Bria, No!" It was too late. Dario pressed the cloth against Luca's face, and he struggled for a moment, before going limp. Dario let go of Luca, letting him drop to the ground beside him. Bria growled and lunged at Dario, tackling him to the stones. I rushed to Luca's side, getting on my knees. 

"Luca, wake up. Come on bud, wake up." He didn't. Furious, I stood, dragging Bria off of Dario and taking her place. Punching him in the face with all my strength. I stood, sniffing and wiping my nose.  Blood leaked from Dario's nose, and the corner of his mouth as he lay on the stone, unconscious. I turned my attention back to Luca, kneeling by his side. Giulia was already there, looking him over.

"What was on that cloth?" Bria retrieved the cloth from where it lay next to Dario.

"It started with a C-" I said, trying to remember what Dario had said. "Chloroform!" Giulia sighed

"Okay. He'll be alright." She turned to me. "What about you? You said he used it on you more than once?"

"I'll be fine." I Grasped Luca's hand in mine. "Are you sure he'll be okay?" Giulia nodded.

"Yeah, he'll wake up in a bit." I sighed in relief.

"Okay, I'll take him home, then I'll help you guys figure out what to do with him." I said disdainfully, looking at Dario.

"Don't worry about Dario. Take Luca back to the house, we'll bring Dario to the Polizia."

I nodded, picking up Luca, and setting off towards my house, Luca cradled in my arms. The walk was long, and I had to keep readjusting Luca as he shifted. When I reached the house, I brought Luca upstairs, gently setting him on my bed. I sat down on the floor, my back resting against the bed frame, and rested my head on the side of the mattress.

"I'm sorry Luca, I'm sorry I couldn't save you before he used that stupid cloth. I promised I would always be there for you, and I wasn't, I stayed back, like a coward." I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I'm sorry." I wiped the tear away, closing my eyes, and waiting for Luca to wake up.

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