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Luca's POV:

We got back to the house, and saw our suitcases siting in the main room.

"When exactly are you leaving?" Massimo asked

"After dinner."

"Okay, bon appetite ragazzi." He set four plates of pasta on the table in front of us. We ate our pasta and talked about our travel plans.

"So first, you want to spend a week in Rome, and then go to France, two weeks in London, a week in the UK, and then come back here until I leave?"

"Yeah. Pretty much." I agreed, we hadn't reallly talked about anything after that. Although I'd thought about heading to Australia and the Americas.

"And You're taking the vespa?"

"Probably." Alberto responded.

"Gas will be expensive."

"I've got some money saved up."

"Will you need more?"

"Nope, we'll win the Portorosso cup before we leave again, right Underdogs?" Alberto held his hand over the table, and I place mine on top of his, giulia followig suite."

"Underdogs." I agreed

"Underdogs." Giulia said, nodding.

After dinner, we grabbed our suitases, and loaded them on the back of the vespa. I was talking with Giulia and Alberto was talking with Massimo. 

"And you'll be careful?"

"Si Papa." My heart warmed at the sound of those words.


"Huh?" I was torn out of my thoughts by Giulia.

"Promise you'll come visit?" I hugged her.

"Of course we will!"

"Luca? Are you ready?" I turned from giulia to see Alberto, his hand on the Vespa's handle. I nodded.We got on, and turned toward the gate

"Addio per ora, amico mio. I'll see you soon." Alberto turned the key and revved the engine. As we sped of down the street, I whispered into the wind,

"Addio Per ora, Amico Mio."

The End 

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