ch 02.

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"D'you know how much of an idiot you are for accepting this 'proposal' from a man you ain't ever' seen or heard of in ya' life?" Gigi shakes their head, pouring you a gin and tonic. "Gi, I'm tellin' you--it's like I had no control. I was thinkin' about it before, where accepting shit like this got me. It's too late to change my decision anyway." You massaged your temples, as she wiped down the bar. "Girl, you in for a rude awakening downtown. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, just like he said--you with the big boys now. So put on ya' big girl pants and make your mark because if you don't, they'll chew you up and spit you out." She explained, ending their sentence with a pop of their bubblegum .

"I know, Gi, I know. But this is a one in a life time opportunity. I won't ever get this kinda offer again.. you get what I'm sayin'?"
"Of course, baby. And I'm glad you're being recognized for your talents but, I'm just tellin' you to be careful. I would never take away your happiness." She wraps their arm around your shoulder hugging you, "Wanna go to my place? It's right up the street."
"Eh, why not?" They shrugged.

The two of you walked down the street to your apartment, under the street lights without a single care in world. As you entered your apartment, you both removed your coats and shoes, settling into the warm and relaxing atmosphere. "You leave tomorrow? Well, since I'm here I might as well help you pack." She suggests, "Sure, why not?" You turned on the light to your room opening your closet door allowing Gigi to go through your wardrobe as you searched for a suitcase.

The two of you talked about the most random things while they passed you articles of clothing every few minutes for you to pack. "I'm really gonna be livin' downtown.." You said feeling the realization sink in, "Hell yeah, and knowin' that he came up for you--you're gonna be livin' lavish, baby!" Gigi laughed, "Hey Gi, you don't mind if I crash a few nights with you right?"
"Of course, you're welcome to stay anytime." She smiled, which you returned.


"Mr. Kozume, if you could just allow me to expla-" The woman with worry in her eyes was cut off by the male in front of her, "Why do I always have to repeat myself when it comes to you? You're fired. Get out of my sight." He repeated, back turned to the woman, "Y-yes, sir. It was a pleasure working for you." She says before exiting his office, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You don't think you're a little too harsh sometimes?" Julian asked, emerging from the darkness, "It wouldn't kill you to announce your presence." Kozume darted his eyes towards the male, Julian put his hands up in defense, "Calm down, big man. I'm just here 'cause Smith called me here. What's up?"
"When's that girl of yours coming here?" The brunette-blond asked pouring himself a glass of whiskey, "Tomorrow, why?"

"I'd like to give her a proper welcome." His lips curved into a menacing smile.

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