ch 06.

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You turned around looking up at him, "would you mind acknowledgin' your presence to others?" You snapped, walking towards the sign you saw the words 'Employees Only.' on. "You're awfully careless for someone talking to their boss." He states, "then don't talk to me and you won't hafta deal with it." You side-eyed the man.

As you tried your best to stray away from him, he tailed you just as slyly. "Do you usually follow your employees on their first day?" You inquired, with a tone. "No-but I find myself intrigued by your person. Do you find this to be a inconvenience for you?" He says ever since politely, "why do you speak so.. propa'?" He chuckled at you, "I guess I've just always been that way."

"Interestin'. you gonna follow me all the way to the women's bathroom?!" You turned around stopping in your tracks, "absolutely not. I'm a gentleman, remember that." He tells you, you quietly chuckled, shaking your head at him. "I got work to do, Mr. Kozume-and if I'm not wrong, you're distracting from my work," You looked up at him a hint of teasing in your voice. "We wouldn't want me to lost the job before it starts, right?"

You tilted your head, raising a brow. "No, I guess not. Come by my office after you're done. There's something I wanna discuss with you." He whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your back. "See you, ma belle." He gives you a lousy wave as he walks towards the elevator. Ma belle? What an odd man.

"Hey Y/N, you ready?" Kai asks, "yup." You replied following her back into the club. Where the two of you began to take orders and serve drinks along with appetizers.

Throughout the night you were overly tipped and hit on constantly-which is nothing new, but weird coming from good looking men with cash to blow. "The tips here are insane." You said to Kai. "That's why I love it so much. And it's fun sometimes too, y'know leading them on." She laughs. "Where have you been my whole life?" You joke, "I could ask you the same thing."

Though you were enjoying yourself, your mind didn't go too far without remind you of his words. What did he wanna discuss. Is it an excuse to see you? Am I being moved? The possibilities were endless. "What's on your mind, girlfriend?"

"Way too much." You rolled your eyes, pouring yourself a shot of tequila. "Liquid courage huh? Jeez, I wonder who this is about." She turns to you, placing the Ciroc back on the shelf. "If I do, promise not to judge?" She nodded, "Mr. Kozume."

a double update
yasss 😭😭🥺

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