ch 11.

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"Two waffles cones, one scoop of vanilla bourbon each please." Kai told the employee behind the various alcoholic frozen flavored treats. "That'll be, $4.67." Kai nodded as she pulled out a $5, handing it to the girl. "Have a nice night!" The two of you walk out the ice cream parlor, treats in hand as you stroll along the city sidewalk.

"So, care to explain why your weekend was so 'nerve racking'? Lemme guess does it have anything to do with Mr. Kozume?" She looked to you, "yes. It have everything to do with him. Besides his obvious interest to pursue me, nothing else has happened between us.." you lied, Kai deadpanned you, "Y/N, he looked like he wanted to devour you. "Maybe he was mad."

"Y/N, you're going to walk back to the building, and talk to him while I wait for you in the lobby." She smiled, "you're funny." You chuckled, "thanks. I'm also dead serious." You groaned as she linked your arm with hers dragging you back to the building.

"Go ahead-I won't leave. I promise." Kai says, you shake your head taking a deep breath as the elevator goes up, the numbers increasing as you go up floors, until it landed on 20. You walk out eyes set on the double doors, to his office. Your nerves seemed to no longer bother you as you opened the door, with a small knock seeing a half naked brunette sitting on the desk, and a shirtless Kozume, standing between her legs. You clicked your tongue.
Shaking your head as you walk back to the elevators.

As the doors separated Kai looked delighted to see you, before her expression faded seeing yours. "What happened?" Her brows furrowed, "nothing. He's just another rich asshole that needs to keep his dick wet."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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