ch 07.

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You politely knocked on the large door of the mans office, hoping that it would be your luck he wasn't there. But of course, the lord wasn't on your side and his raspy voice welcomed you in with an irritated, 'come in.' You open the doors seeing his suit jacket removed, white button up slightly wrinkled and unbuttoned. His hair was no longer tied up, and stress lines formed in his forehead as he read through several papers with a conflicted expression.

"You wanted to see me?" You spoke up, his eyes immediately averting towards you, "yes. I wanted to discuss your working status. As we both know, I owned a rather luxurious brothel though I care about my employees. So I'd like to relocate you as a server during the day and fille de joie by night." He explains, you slowly nod your head, "right. That's all?" You questioned, "we're you expecting something more?" He looks up at you with a smug smile.

"Yes. Ya' made it seem like I was about to get fired down there." You told him, he chuckles shaking his head. "Now I wouldn't fire you, at least not yet. I haven't seen you in action." He says, grabbing his brief case, phone and suit jacket. "Need a ride home?" He asks, you pondered what he could do or have planned for you but you couldn't help but feel attracted to him-curious to know what was next when it came to him. "Will you take no for an answer?"

"Not a chance." You tilted your head with a smirk, "then you know your answer." He opens the doors for you as a gentleman would, walking beside you in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable nor comfortable but just, silent.

"Ah, Kozume.. Y/N," Diego furrows his brows at you guys' appearance with one another, "Bad timing? I'll just text you. Have a good night." He yells down the hall, going back to his office. You and Mr. Kozume looked to one another, bursting into a fit of laughter afterwards like teenagers. "He doesn't think we're sleeping together right?" You questioned between laughs, "I don't know how, you just got here." He replies, as you both enter the elevator hence it's opening.

"The look on his face was priceless." You began to come down from your laughter letting out a sigh, "do you even know where I live?" You asks out of the blue, "Miss L/N, I know everything about everyone. So yes, I do know where you live." You lean against the walls of the elevator, "Why me? There are hundreds of other girls but you chose.. me." You turned to the man.

"Miss L/N, you might not know this but.. we've interacted with one another before and ever since then, I couldn't seem to get you off my mind. There's an undeniable attraction between us, huh? Tell me you don't feel it too." He approach's you, as your breath hitches in your throat, "..Mr. Kozume-" he interrupts you, "Kozume." He corrects, "Kozume, I can't do this again. I can't be romantically involved with my boss again.. I won't." You tell him.

"I'm sorry." You exited the elevator deciding to catch a taxi instead.

Enjoy whatever this is

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