ch 04.

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His aura was bone-chilling. The dominance and power he radiated made shivers run down your spine. His neck-length blond-brown hair he kept in a man bun, his fine tailored suit, the cedar wood desk he walked towards, and the gold watch that sat atop his wrist.

He was no joke.

"Good evening, Miss L/N." He greets, breaking you out of your thoughts, "Good evening, Mr. Kozume. It's a pleasure to meet you, and to be working for you." You said, "Oh you're not working for me. You're working for Diego. You'll see me more than the other employees though. I like to keep an eye on those that get scouted." He says.

"Right. Uh, I'm sorry-scouted? I'm not following..." a small smirk was visible on his face, "Let's just say we know you're talented in more ways than one, and leave it at that." He said, you bit your tongue, knowing if he were some random off the street you'd snap back immediately. "Mhm. Well, I'll see you around," You gave a half-assed smile. "Pleasure meetin' you."

"Likewise. And oh, good call for biting your tongue. You don't want you to lose the job before it starts, huh?" He says slyly. You stifle a smile, "No. Of course not." You responded, turning on your heel to exit his grand office.

Once you were out, you faced his office flipping off the man though he couldn't see-or so you hoped. You rushed to the elevator, pressing the 1☆ button. You were never easily intimidated, but something about him just made you unlike yourself. "Kozume Kenma." You whispered to yourself.


You stood outside of Gigi's door for a moment before knocking three times. Shortly after your eyes watched as the doorknob twisted and turned before the door was opened to reveal Gigi. "I wanna know everythin'! Is he hot? Bitchy? Old? Rich?" she smiled excitedly, eager to hear the details about your day.

"Where do I even start?" You sucked your teeth while raising your brows. The tone in your voice sounded slightly irritated which didn't go unnoticed by Gigi. You followed them to the living room where you plop down on the sofa first before the woman spoke up.

"Hold on a second, I made margaritas," Your dear friend told you wildly before heading to the kitchen. "You can tell me about your day now though!" She hollered from the kitchen. Without wasting a second you began to rant to her. "I can already tell that fucker is gonna to be pain in my ass. I don't even work for him-and I was scouted?"

You told her, saying the last statement in a questioning tone. "Wait," you heard her voice get closer as she entered the room again this time with her hands both occupied. Two lime margarita glasses, one in each. Quickly she made her way to you and handed you your drink.

"Scouted meanin' someone was watchin' you? What the fuck?" She raised a brow before sipping her drink. "I assume," You responded while taking a drink from the glass. "And if you don't work for him, why'd you have to meet 'em? And who the hell do you work for?"

You shrugged once again, shaking your head slightly before setting your drink on the coffee table. "Some man named Diego," you told them, "On Monday, I'll definitely need more than a margarita that's for sure." You told Gigi, "You never told me-is he hot or what?" You deadpanned her as she choked on the sip of her drink, "What?" She laughed, "I'm curious do know."
"He's good looking. But I'm sure if you searched him up, they'll have pictures of him. He don't look unknown."

"What's his name?" She asks pulling out her laptop, "Kozume Kenma."

when stinka
writes the chapter
for you.... Again
tsukicomic everyone
Say thank u 🥺🥺

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