ch 03.

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You were nervous as you stood outside the tall glass building that overlooked you. The sidewalk was crowded and you tried not to get in the way of pedestrians but you felt the nerves set in of being in a new environment with new people. All you ever knew was Julian's brothel and it's gonna take some time getting use to not being there. You took a deep breath, setting your worries aside walking towards the entrance with determination running through your veins.

Upon entering you were greeted with the smells of cigarettes, cheap cologne, and the sight of women and men shamelessly flirting in what seemed to be an office building. Your eyes landed almost immediately on a woman who was staring you down waking in your direction. She stood out due to her outfit being more causal than what the other girls were wearing. "Hi you're Y/N right?" She asked as she examined your appearance.

"Mhm," you smiled awkwardly at the woman. "And you are...?" You trailed off waiting for the woman to state her name. "Oh I'm sorry," she apologized with a small bow. "I'm Lele, I'll be showing you around the building." They properly introduced themselves. You chuckled awkwardly at the women's words before she quickly turned on her heels and walks off. Caught off guard you were confused but quickly rushed to the side of the woman for your tour.

"Good to know you can keep up." She noted when noticing your presence. "Doubtin' me already?" You raised a brow. "Nope. I just wanted to make sure you could keep up," Lele laughed before the two of you turned down a corridor. "This job is going to require you to keep up, and Mr. Kozume gets rid of people a lot, at a rather alarming rate."

You made a face at her statement and tried not to act disrespectful. "Jeez, how does the company even last?" You mumbled to yourself, though she caught it. "Oh, trust me, I wish I knew." She laughed while stopping in front of the elevator and clicking the arrow button that face up. "He's an asshole so watch what you say and do around him. We've got a couple snakes in here." she stated while eyeing passing workers with glares.

"Didn't you just call him an asshole though?" The woman nodded before stepping into the elevator and you followed. "Yeah don't worry about it through I'll be fine." she assured you before clicking the 7th floor button. Sending a small smile the woman's way the two of you took the elevator ride up in an awkward silence. Your thoughts wandered off thinking about the millions of possible things that could happen when you meet him.

Was he really an asshole or was she just exaggerating. "Okay. this is the floor," Lele announced snapping you out of your thoughts. The two of you exited the elevator while more people entered shortly after. "This way." she nodded her hand into the direction the both of you to head in. "Elevators, huh? Fancy." You commented, she chuckled at your statement. The last building you worked in didn't have one that's for sure.

She lead you to the end of the hall where a double door was placed. Without hesitation Lele twisted the handle of the door and pulled it open allowing you to walk in first. "Kozume, your new girl is here." She announced to the man who was facing the glass windows. "Took you long enough, I don't pay you take your sweet time." The man mumbled before facing the two of you.

"You don't pay me at all? I don't even work for you." She stated with an eye twitch. "Thank God too," the man mumbled with irritation. "you can leave now." He dismissed the woman who rolled her eyes in response before leaving. The sound of the door behind you shutting sent a chill down your spine.

It was just the two of you now.

Funfact this was mostly
written by tsukicomic
But I hope you guys
enjoyed this chapter!

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