Chapter 5- Battle of NYC

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Then the rest come, "Call it Captain," Cap says, "All right, listen up, until we close that portal, our priority is containment, Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays, Stark, Spider-Man, you two have got the perimeter, anything gets more than 3 blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash," Clint asks, "Wanna give me a lift?" I say, "Yeah, hope you like swinging," mom smiles at me and I smile and nod back, then hold his hand and swing off, I drop him on the rooftop and fly off on the perimeter, after a little while, I get an idea, and find a squadron and get in front of it, "Stark, got an idea, swing up Fifth, I got a present for you," "Gotcha Spidey," I then swing through the squadron and web them together, then shoot a big web that gets all of them and grab onto a lamp post and swing them directly into the line of fire from Tony, he laughs, "Nice one," I smile, "Thanks," Karen says, "Peter, we have civilians trapped in the bank on 42nd past Madison," "Thanks Karen, I'm on it," I swing there and crash through a window feet first and web one of their hands to the wall, the one that has a grenade and I dodge some blasts and shoot a web and add some venom blast, electrocuting him and taking it down, then I dodge the last one and kick it in the face, instantly killing it and sending it to a wall, I lean over the railing, "Everyone okay?" They all nod and clap, I smile and leap over to the door and kick it open, "Stay together, stay close to me and follow, got that?" They all nod, then I lead them to a subway and they all go down, a lady hugs me, I hug her back, "Thank you Spider-Man," I smile, "My pleasure, now go," she nods and runs with them, then I swing off and get back to work, helping out the others, I continue and see mom land on the tower, I swing up, "What do you need?" She smiles, "The staff," I nod and look at it, then shoot a web and pull it to me, "There you go," Selvig says, "Right at the crown," I nod and mom gets through the barrier with the sphere, "I can shut the portal down, anybody copy?" Cap says, "Do it!" Tony says, "No, wait, I got a nuke coming in and gonna blow in less than a minute, and I know just where to put it," I ask, "Stark, you sure, one way trip?" "Save it for the return," he flies up and all the Chitauri fall down, "Close it," mom closes it and the portal closes, Tony falls through, I smile, "He made it," we see he's not slowing down, "He's not slowing down," I get ready to fly off when Hulk catches him, a couple minutes later, mom hugs me, "I am so proud of you," I smile, "Thanks mom, I'm thinking of telling them my identity, what do you think?" She thinks and nods, "Go for it, I say we can trust them enough," I smile and hug her, "They're gonna be so freaked out, it's gonna be great," she laughs, "Yes it will, now get us down there," I nod, "Can do," she holds onto me while I swing us down. Then we all gang up on Loki and make him surrender, after lunch, we're all saying goodbyes, Tony asks, "Why's a kid here?" I smile at mom and she nods, then I shoot a web at Loki's face, blinding him, silence, Cap asks, "You're Spider-Man?" I nod, "Yep," Bruce says, "But you're 12," I shrug, "Age is just a number," I sense something happening, "Something's going on, see ya guys," I hug mom, suit up and swing off.

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