Chapter 4- Before the War

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It's been a few days since I made my decision, me and Wanda have been relaxing at the Compound, me going on patrol a few hours of the day and coming back with Delmars, oh yeah, everything's gone to shit, there was a bombing in Vienna at the signing of the accords by Cap's old war buddy Bucky Barnes, now him, Sam, and Bucky are on the run. Right now, I'm cooking Wanda's favorite food from Sokovia, she walks in and smells it, her eyes light up, "Is that what I think it is?" I chuckle and nod, "Yep, it's your favorite food, gumbo, from Sokovia," she walks over to me with a smile and tastes it, "Hmm, very good," I smile and she kisses me, "Why didn't you tell me you could cook?" I chuckle and shrug, "Didn't ask," she giggles and kisses me, "So, you actually want some of this, or.." "Hmm yes, and some of the food too," I chuckle and we continue making out for another couple of minutes, we pull away and start eating. Later on, we're laying on the couch with my arm around her and her head on my chest, she's playing with her magic on her fingers while I'm messaging her hair, "You're quiet, are you okay?" She sighs, "Yeah, just, thinking about the Accords, they're my fault," "What? How could you think that?" "In Lagos," "Hey, if you hadn't had jumped the bomb away, a lot of people would have died, you almost died," "Hey, look at me," she looks at me, "I wouldn't have died, in case you haven't noticed, I am insanely tough, like very tough, I survived a lot, a little explosion point blank wasn't gonna take me out, you know that, plus, it was all of our faults that the Accords are a thing, and I...I forgot the reason I chose to look after the people of New York, the little people, because I don't want anyone else to go through what I did, so, it's not your fault, okay?" She sighs and lays her head back on my chest, "Okay," "Smile," she looks at me, "What?" I smile, "Smile, I want to see you smile, you can do that, right? I know you can," she chuckles and smiles, then kisses me, "Okay," I smile happily and kiss back, "Great," she smiles and she gets up from the couch, "What else is wrong?" "How do you know something else is wrong?" I stand up and give her a look, "Wanda, I know you, you're my best friend and girlfriend, I'm a mind reader," she giggles, "That's my job," I chuckle, "Not anymore, what's up?" She sighs and looks down, then back at me, "People are scared of me or what I almost did, they fear me Peter, I don't think you would understand, you're the world's most famous Superhero," I sigh and hold her hand and push her chin up to look at me, "I totally get it, 100%, believe me," "How?" I sigh, "I never talk about this to anyone, not even mom, but 9 and a half years ago, about a week after a started out as Spider-Man, I found a black goo at a crash site, that was Venom, he made my black suit I had on when I first started out, made me angrier, my mood change, but it also made me stronger and faster, I didn't know what I was doing, I even..." I breath out, "I even killed a few people with it," she gasps, I nod, then wipe a tear, "Yeah, that was....not good, the police issued a warrant for my arrest, people looked to me swinging in the skies and they felt one thing, guess what that was," "Fear," I nod, "Yeah, and I didn't care, it wasn't until I fought mom with it and hurt her when I finally snapped out of it and took the symbiote off," she hugs me tightly, I hug her back just as tightly, "Thank you for telling me," I smile, "Anytime, and it doesn't matter what people think about you, whether they fear you or not, whether they think you're a menace or not, it only matters what you think, you and you alone," "Do you fear me?" My heart cracks a bit at that question, "Of course I don't, why would you even consider that?" She shrugs, "Just had to be sure," I sigh, "Alright, come on," "I grab her hand and pull her, "Where are we going?" "Out into the city, blowing walking in the park, I've cream, I don't know, something, to prove to you that it doesn't matter what people think," "Peter, no," "Peter, yes," she sighs and smiles, "Come on, please?" I look at her with my best puppy dog eyes, she cracks easily, "Damn you and your stupid puppy dog eyes," I smile, "Yes! Come on," she smiles and we hold hands and go to walk out when Vision appears, "Hello, where are you two going?" I say, "We're going out into the city to hang out like normal people," "Alternatively, you could go to the screening room to watch a movie," Wanda asks, "Vision, are you not letting us leave?" "Mr Parker can, but you can't, it is a question of safety," "I can protect myself," I add, "And if she can't, I can and will, you know this," he holds us back, "Not yours," my venom blast sparks up a bit and Wanda looks at me worried, I say, "Vision, either let us go or I will put you through a wall, and you know I can do that," "Mr Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another near public incident until the accords are in a more secure foundation," "She will be fine, it was an accident, now we are leaving," "Mr Stark-," "Screw the Tinman! He doesn't know what he's talking about, not we are leaving, that is final, or do you plan on trying to stop us?" Wanda holds my hand, "Let's just find something else to do," "But-," "Peter, please," I sigh and nod, "Fine," I calm down as my venom blast stops sparking, then I glare at Vision and my watch buzzes, I look at it, "Oh come on," Wanda asks, "What is it?" "Rhino and Scorpion are on the loose again, I gotta go," she nods and kisses me, "Love you," I smile, "Love you too, see you later Phaser," he nods and I suit up and go invisible, then get on my bike and drive to the city. Later on, after beating them up easily and stopping a lot more crimes, Tony calls me, "Hey Tinman, how's Oz?" He groans and I chuckle, "How's your German?" "Fluent, why?" "Of course you're fluent in German, I need you here ASAP, we got a situation we need to fix soon," "What's going on?" "Steve escaped from the task force along with Sam and Barnes, if we don't get them back, Ross will send a team with orders to shoot to kill, this could end badly, we don't have a lot of time, I need you here to end this quickly," I sigh, 'I really don't want to fight them, but if I go against the Accords, bad news,' "Alright, count me in," "Thanks kid, knew I could count on you, I'm sending a flight for you, be ready, Happy will come by and pick you up," I nod, "Gotcha, see you then." Later on, I meet up with mom, Rhodey, Tony, "Hey Tinman, did you find your heart yet?" The other two chuckle, "Funny, how was your flight?" I nod, "Good, but Happy snores very loud," "Yeah, he does that," mom hugs me, "Hi Pete," I smile and hug her back, "Hey, I'm glad you're okay," Rhodey puts his fist out for me, "Pete," I smile and we fist bump, "Shellhead," I see Vision, "Vision, aren't you supposed to beat the compound with Wanda?" Mom says, "Clint broke in and escaped with Wanda," "What happened?" Tony says, "From what Vision said, she went with him willingly," "W-What?" Mom says, "I know you're worried, I hate that you have to fight our girlfriend," Tony says, "I hope it doesn't come to that, we're going to try to settle this peacefully, but if it doesn't work, we'll have to take them in the hard way, are you up for this?" I sigh, "Do I have a choice?" A catman in a black suit shows up, "Who's Catman?" Mom says, "This is T'Challa, King of Wakanda, his father was killed in UN during the explosion, he's going to be helping us," I nod and shake his hand, "I see, I'm so sorry your highness, you have my condolences," he nods, "Thank you, also thank you for what you did in Lagos, you saved a lot of lives, Wakanda is forever in your debt," I smile, "Happy to help." We all start getting rowdy and I walk up to T'Challa, "Can I ask you something?" He nods, "Go ahead," "What do you plan on doing to Barnes once you find him?" He doesn't say anything, "I get it," "Do you, have you ever had someone you love, a father, die right in front of you?" I nod, "Yeah, I've lost a lot of people, my best friend, my partner, my Aunt and Uncle, all died in front of me," "Then you must know know I have to do, for my father," "Do the right thing, bring his killer to justice, don't go looking for vengeance, killing him won't take the pain away, trust me, I know, when I was trying to find the man killed Aunt May and Uncle Ben, all I was thinking about is killing him, taking from him what he took from them, until I thought back to my Uncle's last words, with great power comes great responsibility, don't be consumed by vengeance like I almost was, think about it before you cross a line you can't go back from," I walk away. 

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