Chapter 2- Run and Hide

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Imagine you have a secret, not just any secret, a secret you've kept for the past 10 years, the biggest secret of your life, the biggest secret you've ever kept, now imagine it got out, bad, right? But that's not the worst part, imagine if you were framed for terrorism, the destruction of the greatest landmark in history, it would be a nightmare, right? Well now my worst nightmare has come true, the world knows I'm Spider-Man and they all think I'm responsible for the destruction of Avengers Tower. I'm frozen in complete shock and fear in front of the entire city, Curt's face is the same way, then they start screaming at me, "You're a fake!" "We trusted you!" "Menace!" "Devil in disguise!" "You said you would protect us!" The cops come up on stage, Yuri says, "Parker, stand down now," I look at Curt and he mouths, "Go," I jump up and go invisible, then swing to the Spider Cave as fast as possible. I see on the news as I pass Times Square, "That's right folks, the so-called Superior Spider-Man is none other than Peter Parker!" I'm panicking so much as I land in the Cave, it shuts and my suit retracts, I'm pacing and mumbling to myself, Curt runs in about half an hour later, "Peter-," "I'm freaking out! This...this is a nightmare, you know what? I have had better nightmares, a lot better nightmares, this is...I don't even know what this-," he slaps me, I turn to him, "Why'd you slap me?" "It was the only way for you to calm down a bit," "How am I going to calm down!?" "Peter Benjamin Parker, calm the hell down right now!!" I stop talking, "Good, now, since we know it was obviously a wraith who did this, we need to find him," I nod, calming down, "Good idea, let's track his venom blast," he nods and goes to the computer, after a few minutes, he says, "He must have blocked it out," "Dammit Octavius!" I punch through a wall and pull my fist out. "Hey, calm down, we will figure this out, I promise, let's start with one problem at a time," I nod, "Good start, what about his venom blast signature? Can we use that to prove I didn't power the bomb?" Curt smiles, "Possibly," he gets to the computer again while I pace around more, "Dammit!" "What is it?" "It seems that his venom blast signature is identical to yours," I sigh, "He's obviously been planning this for a very long time, possibly ever since he came back in Harry's body," "So, any more ideas?" "The video," "The video?" "Yeah, the video, if he tampered with it, maybe we can get it back to what it was originally and prove I didn't do this," "Peter, you said it yourself, he's been planning this for years, he most likely planned that we would have thought of this," I groan and pull at my hair, "I know, I know, but it's the only thought I have left, let's at least try it," he nods, "Okay, but it's gonna take a while," I nod, "Okay, okay, what should I do?" "Don't do anything as Spider-Man," "And what about Peter Parker? My identity was outed as well," he nods, "How about just...blend in," "Blend in? How?" He smirks, 'Oh no,' "Go back to school," my venom blast sparks all over, "What!!?" I'm accidentally take out the power, "Sorry," it comes back on, "It's fine, since this is the only safe place right now, stay here, out of sight, tomorrow you'll go to school," "But everyone will recognize me," he thinks, "How do you feel about hair dye?" The next day, I'm walking to Midtown with my backpack on, my hair is dyed blonde, I get to my locker, "I hate my life right now," "Don't we all," I turn to see an African American boy, he's about 15 and has a Spider-Man shirt on, I smile and chuckle, "That's true, Ben Reilly," he smiles and shakes my hand, "Miles Morales, good to meet you Ben," I smile, "You too Miles," "Do you need help finding your classes?" 'I'm supposed to act like I haven't been here before,' "Yeah, sure, that'd be great," he smiles and hands me my schedule, "Dude, awesome, we have PE, History, and Physics together," I smile, "Sounds good," we walk to class. Some time later, after class, I'm walking to my next class and turn the corner, I bump into a girl, she yelps and falls back, I take a step back and catch her by the waist, "I am so so sorry, it was totally my fault," I see her, it's Gwen Stacy, I smile, she smiles back and giggles a bit, "Hi, thank you for saving me, and it's fine, we make mistakes," I smile, "Very true, hi, Ben Reilly," she smiles and shakes my hand, "Gwen Stacy, good to meet you," I smile, "You too," we start walking, "So, I take it this is your first day?" I throw my hands up, "What? Do I have a new kid sign on my back or something?" She giggles more, "No, I just haven't seen you around here before, welcome to Midtown," I chuckle, "Thanks, I made a great first impression," she giggles, "It wasn't all bad, I got to meet you," I chuckle nervously and blush a little, "Me too," she smiles and blushes, she stops, "Hey, uh, I know that we just met each other, but do you want to come to a party at my house tomorrow night?" She hands me a paper with address on it, 'Well Curt did tell me to blend in, plus I haven't been to a party in years,' I smile, "Sure, sounds fun," she smiles and stares at me a bit, I clear my throat a bit, "Uh, yeah great, so I'll see you there?" I grins and nod, "Definitely, see you later," she smiles as she backs up into a locker and turns around, I chuckle, "I totally did not mean to do that," I smile, "It's okay, as you said, everyone makes mistakes," she smiles and waves, "Bye Ben," I smile back and wave, "See ya," she smiles and skips away, I chuckle, 'That was weird,' and walk into my classroom. Later on, I'm sitting down in the lunchroom eating and Miles puts his tray down, "Spider-Man," I freeze and drop my food and look at him, "What?" "Spider-Man, you know, Peter Parker, I can't believe what people are saying about him," I grumble a bit, "What are they saying?" "That he's a menace, in a few days, they're going to tear down the museum and statue of him, bunch of crap if you ask me," I lift my head up, "What? You don't believe them?" "Of course I don't, he's a hero, through and through, the Superior Spider-Man, you want to know something," I smile, "What is it?" "Spiderhimself actually saved me once," "Oh did he? When?" He smiles, "At the Stark Expo 8 years ago, I was wearing a Spider-Man mask, a robot pointed their gun at me, he destroyed it and said, 'Nice job kid,'" I spit out my milk and cough, "Woah man, are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, just went down the wrong pipe, bet you were surprised when the world found out his real age," he chuckles, "Definitely, I mean, he's only a couple years older than me, so awesome, I really want to meet him someday," I smile, "Maybe one day," he looks at me, "You know something, you look very familiar Ben, a lot like him actually," I nervously chuckle, "What? That's insane, I just have one of those faces I guess," he smiles, "Makes sense, I mean, he clearly has brown hair, you have blonde hair," I smile, "Yep," "Anyway, I know you're very good at chemistry, think you can help me out tonight?" I smile, "Can do," he smiles again. Later on, I'm swinging through the city invisible and stopping crime in my suit, I'm about to head home when I see an ATM robbery, "Oh come on, now? Alright then," I land and walk in, then see they have high tech weapons, 'Here we go,' "Hey guys, forgot your PIN numbers?" They look around, "What the-," "Who said that?" I see they have Avenger masks on, except for Spider-Man, how rude, "Hey, you're the Avengers, what are you all doing here?" I shoot venom blast at them and they go down, "Ha! Too easy," I hold a weapon, "Hmm, where did jerks like these get tech like this?" I scan it with Karen and run out and swing away. The window opens and fly through it and roll on the ground, then go visible, "Haha, stuck the landing and everything," my mask retracts and I turn around to see Miles there, he drops his books as he stands up in shock, Curt asks, "What was that?" He walks in and sees us, then freezes, "Shit, well, uh, I'll let you sort this out Peter," he closes the door, I sigh, "Asshole," Miles says, "You''re...Spider-Man?"

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