Chapter 2

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<I hope you Enjoy! I wrote this for my friends and boyfriend. Hope they love it >

Eathan and I sat in the first row , ready to watch the video. The movie was being played on the wall in front of us.

A picture of witches and werewolves showed on the video. There was blood every where, the witches and wolves were fighting against something. Fire was burning everything around them.

"What are they fighting against?"

"Well it's the hunters. They call them selves the Balance."

I just about started to laugh when I realized he was telling the truth.

"Are you kidding me? What do they do?"

"The Balance is a clan of hunters that claim they keep the balance in the un-natural world. I guess they are supposed to keep us from fighting amongst each other." He shook his head as he spoke," But really they just like to kill off our kind."

I didn't say anything back because I was to shocked and scared to.

The video got worse as it went on. People like me, every where, were being killed by the 'Balance'.

I let out a sort of a growl as I watched a witch being hung by a rope. What a terrible way to go. How could people do this to us. We have lived in peace for over centuries.

I looked around and noticed that I wasn't the only one who was angered or scared by the 'Balance'.

I realized that it wasn't just wolves and witches in this fight. There were farries and vampires too. All fighting against the Balance to try and stay alive.

"Hey don't worry about it, we are safe here at this school. That's why your mom brought you here."

The video ended and we were ordered back to our dorms.


Eathan showed me the way to our room. Once we got there I noticed there was only one bed.

"Why only one bed?" It's not that i didn't want to sleep with him but, I didn't want to "sleep" with him.

"Well you see at the beginning of the year we get partnered up. And you are my partner."

"Wait , you mean like if we have a school project and then your my partner?"

He chuckled,"It's best you get a good nights sleep , then I will tell you tomorrow." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

I crawled into bed and snuggled up against him.

My thoughts kept me awake. I realized that Eathan was the only person I actually knew at this school. Well I didn't actually know him that well but I sure did know the whole inside of his mouth.

I could feel my eyes get heavy as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


 I was startled awake by the sound of someone running a shower. Sitting up I quickly scanned the room. Where the heck was I.

Then I remembered that I was at Sinister Hall. Remembering this brought a big smile to my face.Getting up I changed into the school uniform and headed down to get breakfast.

As I stood in the line to get breakfast I saw a worried face darting around the room, it was Eathan. I could tell he rushed out of the room because his hair was still dripping wet. I wonder why he was so worried looking.

I waved at him to come over. Once he saw me his face changed from worry to a big smile of relief.

"I was worried about you. I had no clue where you were at." He sounded a bit angry but mostly sad.

"I'm sorry I was just hungry and so I left to get some food. I was going to bring you back some too."

His eyes fell,"Oh, now I feel like a jerk."

I kissed the side of his cheek making him blush.

Once we got our food he led me over to a table full of guys who were cramming food into their mouth.

"Hey man what's up? Where were you yesterday?" one of them said with a mouth full of food.

"Dude swallow your food before you talk, it's gross!" Eathan laughed but I could tell he was serious."I was hanging with my new girl."

I waved to everyone, " Hey."

I noticed a girl who looked almost exactly like me sitting on some guys lap.

She looked up and saw me then jumped up and squealed." Oh my gosh! Finally there is someone I can talk to! A girl!" her smile was contagious making me smile too.

We sat and talked to everyone as we ate. I soon got to know everyone in such a short amount of time.

Some of the guys were faeries, some were werewolves, and some were warlocks just like Eathan.

We were sitting there chatting when the anouncement came on telling us that there was going to be another meeting.

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