Chapter 5

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Thanks to all my readers and fans I am almost to 500 reads ! Thank you everyone I Love you guys!


Great now I am alone with the King. I wonder how many things I could say that would be completely wrong. What if he hates me because I say something wrong ?

Instantly he gave me a curious face and tilted his head to the side. It reminded me of a puppy that didn't understand what you were trying to teach it to do.

"Do you really think that you could say something that would make me hate you?" His eyes looked sad and almost hurt.

"How the heck did you know what I was thinking?" I sure hope he is not some mind reader , or I am going to be one very ticked witch.

He sat down next to me and pulled me into a huge hug. It felt good, but it was so wrong.

"Uh, why are you so touchy ? Arn't you the king? Oh, and what the heck are you the  king of ?" I had so many questions to ask. I figured I might as well as the 'King' because kings know everything.

"I have been waiting so long to find you." I could feel his voice tremble as he hugged me tight.

"Ok, can you please explain what the hell is going on before I get punchy!" I was beyond mad now. I had no clue what in the world was going on and everyone was acting so freaking strange!

He pulled me close so that I was sitting in his lap facing him, " You are my Queen. I've been looking for you my whole life."

I assumed he was a vampire because the way he said 'my whole life' , sounded really long.

"Yes my love I am a vampire.You are very smart for your age." His eyes were filled with love and emotion towards me.

I hated how he said 'your age', it made me feel like I was a baby.

"Ok, back this train up because I must have woken up at the wrong stop." I almost laughed at the sound of my own voice. It was bi*chy and sassy.

Then I realized that he just read my mind. That son of a jerk!

"Listen, I am not your Queen, nor am I happy that you've been reading my mind!" I spat my words out at him in a harsh tone.

I tried to push him away from me but he was to strong, and I was only a witch. He finally loosened his grip on me, but that only left me feeling cold.

"Settle down, it will all make since soon." he whispered in my ear obviously trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working one bit.

Why did my mom have to leave me . I mean I did feel something for this man, but still, he is probably 100 years old . Once I am done talking to the 'King' , I am going to let my mom have an ear full.

"Please let me explain what has been going on for you."

I nodded ready to listen. I did truly want to know.

" I am King Alexander . I am in charge of every one who is like us. Of course I was the first vampire."  he puffed out his chest. I guess he was trying to make himself sound more manly. I held in a laugh at how proud of him self he was.    " You know that everyone like us has soul mates, but any more it's hard to find them. Well , you my love , you are my soul mate." he kissed the side of my cheek.

I felt good and heated up the spot where he kissed me.

As his words left his lips I wanted to break down and cry. Yet at the same time I wanted him to hold me closer.

Apparently in this world of mine it's funny to joke around about someones soul mate.

"That's not all my love. You come from a long long line of very important witches. These witches happened to be the ones who held the balance between good and evil. It's a very tiresome life."  I could tell he was telling me the truth because some how I could feel it.

My head was light and I think I was seeing stars. Boy, my world is messed up, what I wouldn't give to be normal.

"Anyways, you my dear happen to be one of those important witches. You are the balance of good and evil. I am not going to tell you what side to pick, but where ever you go, I am going with you. Though I do hope you stay with the good guys though."

At this point I had no clue who was good or bad. I was just now learning all this stuff.

"Uh ok." that was all I could say, I was completely stunned.

"Your last 'fake' boyfriend was part of the Balance, he was trying to get you to want to join them by compelling you. He was a very stupid man. I took care of him once I found out what he did to you." He was shaking with anger.

I didn't dare tell him the part of us making out almost twenty- four seven.

"I know you may not feel the same way towards me, and that's because we are not the same. You are a witch and I am  a vampire, but that doesn't matter." his eyes were how I could read his feelings. They told a lot.

"I think I do feel the same way about you ." the words escaped my mouth before I realized I had said them.

I closed my eyes to think . Do I really feel this way towards him? Why did I just say that? I hardly know him, and he is a freaking King!

When I opened my eyes  I realized his eyes had turned black, I didn't know if it was out of anger or lust, but that was the two reasons a vampires eyes turned black.

Swiftly he pulled me closer to him. So close that I could feel his chest touch me every time he let out a breath. He leaned his head down towards my lips, and I let him.

I let him make me feel like I was flying, and this was only with a quick kiss.

 I knew I wanted more so I leaned in for another kiss.

"Oh my gosh ! I am so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt Sir!" of course my mom happened to walk in right when it was about to get good.

My 'King' leaned down and whispered in my ear ," We will finish this later."


Tell me what you think guys! Don't hate me for leaving you hanging with that kiss! ;D

I hope this is long enough for you guys :D

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