Chapter 3

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Thank you for all of my votes and new fans ! I love u guys!

Also thanks for every ones advise and help :)

The auditorium was crowded once everyone was in it. Everyone looked worried except for Eathan and his guys. People were chatting all around making it hard to hear.

"Everyone settle down! Now your probably wondering why I had you come here at once." a lady was standing on stage. Her hair was jet black and you could tell be the way she dressed that she was in fact the 'head honcho' at this place.

"Yeah we are!" someone yelled out.

"Well there seems to be witch / warlock that has been going around using a compulsion spell on other students. To help find who is responsible for this, we will be checking everyone to see if you have been compelled." her voice was as sharp as a new dagger.  "If we find that you have been compelled then we will allow you back to your rooms, those who arn't compelled with be further tested."

I turned to look over at Eathan who's face was pale and his hands shook at his sides.

There is no way he could be the one who did this, it cant be.

He gave me a small kiss on the top of my head, "I'm sorry."

I had no clue what he was sorry for, but I don't like how his words sound regret filled.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed one of his friends try and make a run for it, but a guard caught him right away.

Then I started looking around more and noticed that it wasn't just Eathan who looked pale and nervous. It was his entire group.


I stood in line waiting to be checked. Not once did I look back at Eathan, he had already been put in the non compelled group. He was a suspect.

As the line got shorter one by one all of his friends were then non compelled group.

Not a single person outside of Eathan's group was in the non compelled group.

I couldn't even look at Eathan, I might have cried if I did.

Next was my turn.

"Ok this is what you are supposed to do. I will give you this stone,"  She showed me the stone she had in the palm of her hand.  "you need to focus all your energy on to this stone. If the stone burns your hand, this means your compelled, if it doesn't then your not." the woman handed me the smooth metallic looking stone.

I took the stone in my hand and focused everything I had in me.

Then I felt the stone, words couldn't ever describe what I felt.

It wasn't just the burning sensation that hurt, but it was the thought I now had. The thought of me being compelled by Eathan was beyond sick.

Then woman saw how the stone burned me and gave me a slight smile, "I am surprised you have been compelled. For being who you are , I though it would take much more then a boy to bring you down."

Her words hit me like a truck. I new exactly what boy she was taking about.

"Now hold still and I will take his wicked spell off" her finger tips touched the side of my head lightly. But some how if felt as if she was sticking needles in me.

I screamed and tried to move from her grip  but her fingers had some type of hold on me.

"I am so sorry. I know it hurts and it will be over soon, but for some reason this spell is actually latched on to you. It's like it is living off of you, more like a leech would." her face was draining of it color, and I felt her hands drop  from my head, then it was her next that collapsed.

My head felt a little light as I tried to move fast enough to catch her, but then I saw nothing but darkness. And heard nothing but screaming.


                                 <Don't hate me you guys! but I had to do it >

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