Chapter 6

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I hope all my fans and readers enjoy the thrilling twist up next.

SNEAK PEAK:! Someone special will be paying a visit, or maybe staying.

INFO: If you see the name Alex its just short for Alexander. Its way easier to type xP


My mind was running through all the possible things that King Alexander meant when he said "We will finish this later.".

It drove me insane thinking about it. My thoughts would have went on all day if it wasn't for my mother who interrupted them.

"Darling, your mouth is hanging open." my mother informed me.

Crap, was my mouth really hanging open. I probably looked like a fish out of water.

I heard a quiet chuckle beside me and knew that it was Alexander.

"I am sorry I interrupted you sir. But I thought you might want to hear whats going on.When ever you want to know whats going on, go to room 501 ." my mother had a harsh tone in her voice causing her to quickly glance at him then look back down at the floor.

It was still strange for me to see her try and keep her mouth shut. Normally she would always have something to say back or some sarcastic thing to say, but not this time.

"Thank you madam, you may be on your way now." he spoke in an old English accent. Each word he spoke sounded soft and it seemed as if rolled off his lips like the waves rolled in the ocean.

My mother quickly nodded and left.

She never even said goodbye to me. There is something bad going on, because she would never leave me, nor would she leave and never say goodbye to me.

I quickly forgot about that and realized that Alexander spoke in an old English accent. There was one thing I was sure of, and it was that his accent was sexy.

"Where the hell did that accent come from?" my voice was filled with shock.

"Well my love, being as old as I am, you tend to pick up allot of accents." he kissed the back of my neck in between every word he spoke.

Every place he kissed made my neck feel hot and almost numb like.

"Not that I am not liking this, but shouldn't I get to know you better before all this." I pointed at him then me.

Truth is, I didn't care if I knew him at all.

I know that sounds a little slut like, but I felt so attracted to him.

He kept looking at me like I had confused him, but I didn't stop thinking to explain to him what I was thinking about. All I know is that I am not making the same mistake twice.

I am going to get to know Alexander before I let him into my life.

Wait, he is the King, I guess he is already a part of my life in a way.

I heard him chuckle behind me.

"Come on my Queen, lets see what going on."

I quickly nodded shaking all my thoughts away.

He took my hand in his as we walked to room 501.


It was quiet on the way there.  Fairies, werewolves,ghosts, and witches made a quick bow when we walked by. Some of the witches glared at me like I had just ruined their whole life's dream.

I glared back making sure that they knew he was mine.

Truly, I didn't even know why I bothered to try and chase everyone away from him. I guess it was the soul mate thing working here fore me.

"I swear you are going to get a wrinkle in your pretty little forehead if you don't stop shooting daggers at all the girls with your eyes." He quietly whispered in my ear so no one else would hear. "You know you look pretty cute when you do that."

I was about to make a sarcastic remark but someone punched me in the arm.

"Owwww! What the heck was that for?" I looked to my left to see a wide eyed man about my height with beach blond hair.

I hear a hissing noise and watched as a fist stopped inches in front of the mans face.

"Chase! I swear if I wouldn't have smelled your sent sooner you would probably be dead !" Alexander pulled Chase into one of those strange 'man hugs'.

I wonder if Alex could auctually smell people, as strange as that sounds.

"So this is the famous lady you've been looking for ." Chase held out his hand for me to shake, but Alexander hissed at him.

I guess no one is aloud to touch me now.

Jerk, no one owns me.

"I will talk to you later dude! I have King stuff to do." Alexander spoke in such a normal teenage voice that it freaked me out.

"Where did all the proper manners go?"

"I grew up with Chase, so I can be my self around him." he gave a quick smile before we were back on our way to room 501.


We finally got to room 501, I took forever because we had to go up so many stairs. Of course Alex never even broke into a sweat.

Alex knocked quickly on the door.

It felt like forever, just waiting for someone to answer.

The door made a low squeaking noise as it slowly opened.

A hand appeared around the door, with a strange tattoo on it.

Then I remembered the picture that had the person who wore this tattoo. Only one person in the world could have this tattoo. And he is supposed to be dead.


To all my fans and readers ,

Don't hate me for leaving you guys with a cliff hanger, it had to be done :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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