Chapter 4

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 Thanks for every ones comments I love u guys! Also I just recently reached 100 readers :D ITS a big step for me. thank you all :D


My eyes felt heavy like I had brick stacked on top of them. A strong taste of salt filled my mouth. It reminded me of when I cried and my tears ran into my mouth.

"If you don't wake up right now you are going to be in big trouble! !" my mind was still foggy but I recognized the sad voice.

It was my mother. I realized it was her tears that dripped on me.

"Mom, what happened? When did you get here ? Where the hell am I ?" I had so many questions I wanted answered but in a short amount of time. My head felt dizzy as I asked to many things at once.

I rubbed my eyes until they were free of the crust that held them shut.

I looked up at my mom, her face was finally taking it's correct shape.

Her face was sad looking. I take that back, sad was an understatement. Her eyes were circled by black rings, and I was surprised that she could even open her eyes they were so puffy.

A small weak smile spread across her face," Baby I thought I lost you. You've been asleep for ten days." her voice was scratchy, "Oh, and you're at the medicine ward."

"Oh, I've been out that long?" It was hard to believe, it felt like it was just yesterday.

"Yes you have, but your finally awake now." , she snapped her fingers and shook her head, " Here I thought I was going to get rid of you." She laughed as she gave me a soft hug.

I loved my mom, she always tried to make someone smile even in the worst of times.

"So, I want you to meet your doctor." she gave me a wink.

Oh I knew this could no be good. I've only been awake for probably five minutes and all ready she was trying to hook me up with someone new. Just great.

A very handsome sexy man walked up to us.

Black shaggy hair, gold eyes like the sun, and I could all ready see his dimples as he smiled at me. He wore a  button up plaid shirt with low cut holey jeans.

The perfect guy was in front of me. Oh gosh how prefect he was.

"It's good to finally see that this beautiful angel is awake now." he winked at me.

No freaking way was I going to fall for another guy after whats just happened.

"Bug off you jerk!" I hissed at him.

"Don't talk to the King like that!" my mother screeched at me.

 I started yelling at my mom instantly ,"I will talk to my doctor that way if I,...... Wait did you just call him the King?" now I was really confused.

The 'King' or who ever this man was chuckled at how confused I was. He looked cute when he laughed.

At that thought I mentally slapped my self. There was no way I was going to like a king.

"I am sorry sir, she didn't know any better." she slightly bowed her head towards him.

He looked at me before he spoke ."Yes my love, I am your king. After I heard what has happened at this school I came here to take matters in my own hands."

OK, ew, I wish he would quit calling me cute names. Even though it did make my heart melt like ice cream in the summer.

"I didn't even know that we had a king." I sounded sarcastic but I truly didn't know that we had a king.

I took another good look at him and realized something. I realized that he was not angry that I didn't know who he was. He looked almost confused about it.

He looked at my mother, "My I speak to your daughter alone?"

My mom nodded and left the room.

How in the world could a mother leave their kid alone with a King. Did moms not know that their children were scared of the all mighty and powerful !

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