I Meet The Boyfriend

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"¡Adiós Abuela!" (Bye grandma!) I said, wrapping my sweet, old grandmother in a hug.

"Ten Cuidado mi Caroline." (Be careful, my Caroline.) she admonished, holding me at arm's length. I was currently leaving Mexico to go live with my father Charlie and sister Bella in Forks, Washington. I had lived with my Abuela for three years after an incident at my old school. Renee, my mother, had been furious, but it hadn't really been my fault. I'd only punched the kid in the nose, it wasn't like I dropped him off a building.

"Yo siempre soy Abuela," (I always am.) I smirked. She just stared into my eyes with her eyebrows raised. My family didn't have Spanish roots, but my grandmother from my mother's side lived in Mexico and was often referred to as the 'Spanish side' despite having no Spanish heritage.

I had never had trouble learning the language, rather, picking up on it surprisingly quickly. My Abuela's English was a struggle to understand so we always conversed in Spanish despite my Abuelo constantly calling me whitewashed paper because of my -somehow- pale skin and tanned shade.

"¡Los problemas te atraen como tu abuelo a las galletas!" (Trouble attracts you like your grandfather to cookies!) She barked out a laugh, her eyes wrinkling with a toothless smile. I shook my head but grabbed my suitcase and handed it to the Taxi driver who was going to bring me to the airport to fly straight to Forks, Washington.

I waved from the window as the Taxi pulled away. My wrinkly Abuela waved from the doorway as my Abuelo joined her. I was leaving Texas for the insurmountable future and starting over in a town I'd never been to, a father I hadn't seen in five years, and an obnoxious older sister who was more accident-prone than a hopeless five-year-old with the world's worst coordination. Great.


As soon as I left the bustling inside of the airport, I settled onto my black luggage, leaning my weight partially against it as I pulled one of my favorite books from my carry-on, a post-it note marking my spot halfway through the book.

Eragon was a work of art with the details intricately woven and creating a world that was plausible and that despite however weathered the book grew, I cherished it like Isabella, my older sister, had clutched her goldfish for an hour when we were children after it had died.

The slight chill in the late-August air nipped at my nose as I tugged my sweater closer, attempting to conserve body heat as I shivered, my freezing fingers flipping the yellowed, worn pages of my book.

'What is taking Bella so long?' I thought impatiently, scowling as I glanced up, looking for my sister's hideous rusty-red truck that was supposed to have been here a half-hour ago. My right knee tapped against my suitcase as it bounced upwards and downwards in a poor unconscious attempt to rid the anxiety knawing on the edge of my mind.

I heard a car engine rev before screeching to a stop, pulling up in a No-Parking Zone, a pale, amber-eyed, dark-blonde-haired man stepped out of the driver's seat as I rolled my eyes as the pretentious prick before my jaw dropped when Bella emerged from the passenger seat, slipping and nearly gashing her teeth out on the doorframe as I stood, tucking my treasured book into my backpack, tugging my medium-sized luggage behind me, my helpless older sister still not having noticed me.

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