Prologue: Resetting The Timeline

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"If we could change our blustery could change off trajectory and turn our faiths around and start from nothing We could take a little while may fall from time to time though we know we are never looking back (Out in The Open by Puggy ft Rochelle Riser)


Narrator's POV:

A large group of superheroes wallowed up in their own shell of grief below the Teen Titan Tower on Titan Island.

Mera sat alone on a rock weeping over the loss of her husband, Aquaman. Titus, Damian's labrador, wine sadly and settled his head reassuringly on her mechanical leg. John Jones, aka Martian Man Hunter, glanced at her sadly every now and then a couple of meters to the left sat Kori and Dick. The Tameraranian had him lying on her lap. A concerned frown on her half-metallic face. 

Over to the side, Damian observed the two, and he slightly tightened his hold on Raven's arm as she had her head resting on his shoulder. The other surviving heroes sat perched on their own individual positions as they awaited the news of Earth's dreadful status. John Constantine casually puffed a cigar that he was lucky to even get his hands on. He paused when he saw Batman approaching where Wonder Woman and Superman were.

"What news?" Wonder Woman asked once he was close enough. Superman stood up attentively next to her.

"Even though the Planet Reapers were stopped before they were finished, the damage was done," Batman replied.

"How bad?" Superman voiced, inwardly dreading the answer.

"We lost thirty-one percent of the Earth's molten core." Came the Dark Knight's responses, his voice grave. "The planet's rotation is compromised."

"The smallest change, either way, would mean freezing or burning." Wonder Women concluded sadly.

"My best estimate is another billon deaths before we can get anything under control. Provided we can." Batman said gravely.

"Okay," Superman began, trying to muster up as much courage as he could into his voice. "I know everyone's been through hell, but we can't quit. The Justice League doesn't quit." Everyone present turned to look at him. "If we work together, we can do this. We can save the planet."

Constantine took another puff of his cigarette before tossing the small object away. He turned to look at Flash. "You know what you have to do, mate." He said to him. "Clear the board, start again."

"Another flashpoint," Flash concluded as he looked up. "I promised Iris, before she...." He trailed off his he taught about his now-dead wife. He tilted his head back down in guilt. "I can't."

Constantine glanced down at the moping speedster."Yeah. Figured you'd say that."

Flash looked back up. "Everything will change. Again." He felt a hand settle on his shoulder and turned to its owner."

"And some of it may be shit." The occult detective said before adding, "And we may make the same mistakes again. It won't be perfect, but it'll be a lot better than what we got now."

Flash let out a small sigh and closed his eyes for a minute before looking up at Constantine. The detective twitched his brows in reassurance and that was all the confirmation he needed. Coming alive with renewed determination, the fastest man alive stood up before crouching down into a runner's stance. He looked up, his gaze focused on the horizon.....

And then he shot off.

He skidded across the water, moving faster with each passing second. And with one final lurch, the flashpoint was created...

The heroes on the island looked on with renewed hope, watching the beginning of their ultimate fate.

Raven turned to look at Damian, and he did at the same time. They spoke no words, for their eyes communicated all they had to say. Their minds were a mess of feelings and emotions, knowing that they might lose each other all over again. It had taken them so long to finally confess their feelings for each other. So long for them to finally be together. And now they were going to be separated all over again. 

They won't remember anything; not how they were reunited, not how they confessed their undying love for each other, and not how they had fought to save what was left of the world together. Everything would go back to the start. To where they were both too prideful to ever tell the other how they truly felt. The mere thought pained them both.

And so, as amethyst met emerald and emerald reflected amethyst, the two lovebirds leaned forward and sealed their feelings with their first and final kiss. Raven's hand drifted to cup Damian's jawline as their lips met gently.

And that was the last thing they both felt before the flashpoint was upon them.....

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