Chapter 15

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Raven's POV: 

I walked into the large house and gasped in awe of the things around me. This place was so fancy there was no wonder where Damian got his taste from. Everything was polished and had its own place.  

"Like it?" Damian asked with a proud smirk. 

"Yes," I nod. "It is very nice." 

"I am glad," he whispered and brought me into a large dining room where everyone else was seated. The meals hadn't been served yet and everyone was talking when we walked in. 

The place went silent as they began to notice our presence. Still holding hands, Damian brought me to a chair and helped me into it before taking a seat on my left. I looked around and gave everyone small nods before feeling the red rush to my face. 

"I am glad everyone is here," Bruce stood up and addressed his guests. "Dinner can now be served. Please enjoy." 

The plates were brought out to us and everyone dug in with hunger. I ate in silence and Dick seemed to be asking Damian lots of questions, occupying Damian's attention. To the right of me sat Donna, who kept smiling and nudging me. 

"So... you and Damian?" she finally asked. 

"Yes," I nod. 

"Seems like I won the pool then," she said in victory. 

"Pool?" I asked to clarify. 

"We had a pool going on to see how long it would take you two to realize your feelings. Everyone said I was crazy for only having a year on mine, but I guess I still came on top." She explained with a proud smile. 

"Good for you," I smirked and tried to finish my meal in peace. 

"I mean, no offense to Damian or yourself, but your feelings were obvious to everyone but yourselves. You were always in your own little bubble and made it clear you liked each other without actually saying the words." Donna explained further. 

"I wish someone would have told me sooner," I chuckled. 

"We tried," she smirked and took a bite. 

Our meal went without a hitch and soon we all adjourned to the living room. Everyone took a seat and Damian and I, we sat in front of the fireplace on a few pillows. His arm was around me as the Leauge members told stories and the Titans awed and gasped at their action-packed tales. 

It was getting late though and soon the conversation settled down. Everyone seemed to be too distracted, so when Damian asked, "Want to sneak out of here?" I nodded my head in agreement. 

He pulled me outside into a large garden and showed me around, walking the path in the glow of the moonlight. "I wanted to ask you something?" He said once we reached the center of the garden, right beside the fountain. 

"Alright," I nod. 

"I know I have asked you this before," he took a deep breath and prepared himself. "But would you like to go back with me? To the Leauge of Assassins? I have to go back and I would like for you to join me. This crisis seems to be over, and it seems like a good time." 

I grabbed his face to stop him from rambling. "I would love to," I smiled in all honesty. "I mean, I will need to still find out more about my powers and that might mean a few outer dimensional trips, but I would love to come back with you to Nanda Parbat." 

"Really?" Damian asked with a growing smile. 

"Yes, really." I nod, his smile spreading to me like a disease. "I think there is no better time." 

"Good," he smiled and pulled me in for a long and deep kiss. 

We pulled away, both breathless and smiling like fools. I didn't care though. For once in my life, I didn't have to worry about my father or the chance of hurting someone. I can just be me. I can live with Damian without fear now and that was the most freeing feeling in the world. 

"Alright," Damian said after a moment's rest. "Time to head back inside and tell the others about our wonderful news." 

"I couldn't agree more," I nod and follow him back into the large house. 

"Everyone," Damian demanded the attention of everyone in the room. "Raven and I have decided to go back to Nada Parbat and lead the League of Assassins together. We will set off soon and take up the responsibility together." 

"You can't leave," Kori stood in protest. 

"We can and we are," Damian said but not in a way that would sound rude. 

"You are still so young," Dick stood up and came over to his brother and me. "You can't take on the responsibility by yourselves." 

"I was born for this and with Raven, by my side, we can do it," Damian said without skipping a beat. "If there are any more protests please keep them to yourselves. Our minds are made up and this was to inform you, not ask for your opinions." 

"Alright son," Bruce stood up. "You are old enough now. But you know you are always welcome home." 

"I know, Father," Damian said before hugging his father. 

It was a sweet moment to watch as father and son embraced and soon Damian came back to my side and held my hand once again. The rest of the night was celebrating our victories and hanging out with the people we cared about. 

I couldn't have asked for a better night. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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