Chapter 11

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May 10th, 2018 7:43 AM

After a solid day of planning, Damian and I headed in for the night. We woke up the next morning, but our moods were different than before. There was not lovey-dovey flirting or anything, but instead, we held each other closely as if it was the last time. 

It saddened me, but I knew I would sacrifice my life for anyone on the team if it came down to it. Especially Damian. But I would without hesitation. And if it came down to it, it was better not to tell anyone else what I was planning. 

"We should go," Damian holds out his hand for me. 

"Alright," I stand up and take his hand. 

We walk out the door in full gear, ready for battle. I hold Damian's hand until the last minute before we enter the computer room. We went to stand next to each other and waited for everyone before Damian began. 

"We will do this with time and accuracy," Damian started. "If you don't feel something is right, then I beg you to drop it and retreat. Our goal above all else is to make it out without casualties." 

"Well said," Wonder Woman nods in agreement. 

"Be safe out there," Batman said, pressing the buttons for the portals to open. A large white hole appears in the middle of the room and I take a deep breath. Damian turns to me and nods, comforting me without words. 

"Good luck," Damian said, gesturing for the Justice League to take off first. They pile through the portal and make their way to different locations on Dark Side's planet. Their goal was to set the charges, and with enough of them, it would send the planet into a black hole thanks to some magic from John, Zatanna, and I. 

Damian turned to the remainder of the team. 

"Dark Side is tough and cocky. Stay away from his line of sight and remember we are only to distract." Damian says while looking at each and every one of us in the room. "Make it look real but don't get yourself into trouble."

"Meet you all on the other side," Kori smiles at us, but her eyes don't show it. She is worried like most of us but tries not to show it. 

I open a separate portal for all of us and allow the others to go in first. Damian and I remain for a second longer, looking at each other. 

"In the cause of something happening," Damian stepped towards me. "I want you to know that I love you. I have a sense that time you put me in my place when we first met. I didn't know what it was and I am late to tell you this, but I love you." 

"I love you, Damian," I smile. 

We kissed for a second longer than necessary before walking through the portal together. The plan was starting to go in motion, and we needed to act fast before anyone noticed what we were up to. 

Damian leads the team into Dark Side's castle, leading us straight to his throne room. I could smell the monster before I saw him, his stench of blood and death strong. 

"Alright," Damian whispered. "Go!" 

We all rushed out and our play began. Beastboy charged like a rhino towards Dark Side, throwing him off and causing him to crash into a wall. He stood up with ease and glared. 

"The Justice League was too scared to come to fight me so they sent in the babies," Dark Side spat with a deep chuckle. He underestimated us, and that would be his downfall.

"No," Dick charged and created a smoke bomb long enough so he can sweep Dark Side off his feet and land hard on the ground. "We came because you are not even on their radar." He said, going after Dark Side's ego. 

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