Chapter 3

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Narrator's POV


May 7th, 2018 4:56 am

Justice League Main Headquarters (Earth's Orbit)

Batman sat patiently by the surveillance station in the conference room of the Justice League satellite ship as he awaited news from Superman and Martian Manhunter. His head was leaning forward, chin settled on his hands as he observed the image of the Earth below through the surrounding window panes. 

Wonder Woman stood by one of the windows, hands positioned by her side as she watched the surrounding stars in outer space with boredom. The two superheroes immediately stood up more attentively as they heard the ship doors slide open, Superman and Martian Manhunter entered a few seconds later.

"What is your report?", Batman addressed the two aliens immediately.

Martian Manhunter walked forward and handed a thin folder to Batman, stepping back as the Dark Knight opened it up and look at the footage pictures he and Superman had managed to secure. Wonder Woman stood by his side and watched as well.

"Our assumptions were correct." Came Superman's grave reply at the earlier question. "Darkside is back, and he's already destroying the world and slowly but surely making his way to Earth. So far, he's managed to put together a large army of demons that attacked surrounding solar systems and planets, nothing or no one was spared."

"At the rate at which the attacks had been issued, it won't be long until Darkside approaches Earth." The Martian Manhunter added from beside Superman. "A method of action needs to be taken from now if we intend to stop him."

Batman remained silent for a moment, his face hardening beneath his cowl as he flipped through the photos in the folder. Finally, he looked up, his voice was hard as he spoke to the other Leaguers. "We will have all superheroes contacted for a mandatory emergency meeting tomorrow, the plans will be disclosed then. Understood?"

Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman nodded in response. But before any further discussion could ensue, the satellite ship began to shake by some sort of unknown force, causing the present League members to glance around in uncertainty.

"What just happened?" Wonder Woman voiced once the resonated shaking suddenly stopped after a couple of seconds.

"Perhaps it was caused by a glitch in the ship's prime defense system."The green martian guessed. "I will check to make sure it is not malfunctioning." He then went off to do the task after Batman gave an affirmative nod.

As the alien left, the Dark Knight redirected his attention to Superman. "Is there any additional information that needs to be discussed?"

"Yes, there is." The Kryptonian replied. "Since we already know a few things about Darkside's demons from when they attacked Earth two years ago before Flash did the Flashpoint, we can at least be able to take them down faster if they were to attack earlier than expected."

"In that case, it would be best to have a plan formulated from now. That way we can have everything finalized once we inform the other superheroes." The Amazonian woman imputed. Batman nodded in agreement, making his back over to the surveillance station. 

"Let's start planning then."


~Sector B3 in the Justice League Headquarters, 3 minutes prior~ 

The couple was lying together on the bed in their room. One man and one woman. Suddenly, they both sat up on their bed, the man's eyes glowing a bright yellow while the woman's glowed an ethereal white. They remained in this state for a moment, their mouths unconsciously held agape as they watched flash after flash of unfamiliar scenes plays out in their minds.

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