Chapter 12

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May 11th, 2018 2:08 PM

I woke up, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. The sun was up, so I knew I slept in a little later than normal, but when I sat up in bed I saw Damian sitting in a chair, sleeping. I look down at my arm and notice an IV needle in it. 

"What?" I pull it out, causing a bunch of machines to go off. "Shit." I silenced them with magic but it was too late because it woke Damian. "Sorry," I said to him as he stared at me blankly. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"You are awake," Damian smiled and rush forward to hug me. 

I hugged him back and said, "Of course, I am awake." 

"Raven, you have been sleeping for two days straight. You didn't wake up after the battle and John and Zatanna said that your body was adjusting to your new powers and there were complications." 

"I am fine," I stood up and grabbed water beside me on my end table. "Was it really two days?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"Yes," Damian stands up and rounds the bed to stand next to me. "I was so worried." 

"I am fine," I assure him. 

Suddenly the door opened and practically the entire team plus Justice League rushes through the door. I step back, suddenly overwhelmed by everyone's presence. I suddenly become aware that I am just in my pj's and have no bra on. I step behind Damian, who notices it as I press against his back. 

"What happened?" Batman asked. "The monitors went off." 

"I took the needle out of my arm and it went off," I explained. 

"Raven is awake, but I think you should leave," Damian said as more of an order than a suggestion. Kori seemed to notice how uncomfortable I was and she started to user everyone out of the room (including a very brooding Batman). 

I silently thanked her as she closed the door, leaving it to just be the two of us again.  I stepped back and looked around for my clothes. Damian noticed and went over to the dresser in his room and pulled me out of a pile of clothing with a bra on top. 

"Here," He said. 

I take it and go into the bathroom to change. I ended up taking a shower, wanting to get cleaned after being alseep for two whole days. I hurry though and when I get out, Damian is waiting for me on the bed. I sit beside him and lean into him. 

"I am sorry for worrying you," I say. 

"It is not your fault," he says, kissing my temple. 

"I am hungry," I smirk, changing the subject as my stomach growls. 

"Of course," Damian stands up and takes my hand. "We will go eat." 

I follow him out of the room and into the cafeteria where the other Titans are already waiting. Kori hugs me the second she sees me and Donna joins in not too long after. Soon the whole team is piled into a hug. 

"Guys," I say, pulling away. "I am sorry I worried you so much, but I assure you I am fine. I feel better than I have ever felt actually." 

"That is because you are full of only pure magic," John said from behind, making me turn to see the Justice League walking into the room. 

"You are going to feel better than ever before," Zatanna comes over and hugs me. "I am so glad you have woken. You had us scared when we saw your body was fighting your new powers." 

"It was fighting?" I question. 

"The demon inside of you had to die, but it was fighting to hold on. But you are no longer a demon. In fact, you are so pure that you could be considered a god." She pulls back and shows her smile. 

My stomach growls, reminding me why I am here. 

Damian walks over and grabs me a plate while I sit. The others join our table until everyone is squeezed in tight. Damian sets the plat in front of me and sits beside me with his own plate. I begin to eat as the others fill me in on everything that has happened while I slept. 

Nothing too important, but it is still nice to hear. I finish my plate and Damian offers me part of his sandwich, which I can't help but take. When I finish the Justice League members begin to ask the real questions. 

"What happened?" Batman began. 

"I am not sure," I shrug. "I remembered something from the other timeline and suddenly I became protective. I did what had to be done, and the next thing I knew I was in a white costume and sucking power from Dark Side." 

"I still can't believe it," Dick shook his head. "You just... became more powerful to protect us?"

"You are my family," I smiled at my teammates. I turned to Damian as I said, "I would do anything for you guys."  

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