Chapter 6

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May 7th, 2018 3:04 pm

The meeting concluded after Batman ran a few ideas past us and created somewhat of a plan. I wasn't really on board with all of this, but I could see that I didn't have much of a choice. Batman insisted the Titans stay the night so our leader can converse with him to make a plan. 

Kori and Dick walked out of the room, following Batman to their surveillance room. Beast Boy and Blue Bettle started to geek out, wanting to explore the 'famous Justice League Headquarters. I on the other hand just wanted to sit and think. 

"Raven," The kind voice of Zatanna spoke, causing me to turn in her direction. "Could you... would you mind talking to John and me about what you have been seeing?" 

I nod and stand up. "Sure."  

"We can go to an unoccupied room," she nods and leads the way. John and Zatanna walk together, and I start to realize that they might be a couple. The way she looks at him and the concern in his eyes for her gives it away. 

It was cute though. 

We entered a large room, and John flipped on the lights to reveal a large round table. He took a seat and I decided it was best if I sat across from them for this conversation. "Why don't you tell us about the visions, love?" He said in a thick British accent. 

"Um..." I shifted in my chair, suddenly uncomfortable. "I have seen my teammates torn into two. I have seen them laying on the ground surrounded by a pile of their own blood as those creatures were on a rampage." 

It hurt for me to tell them and my voice became strained as I tried not to cry. There was so much death. It seemed like in every vision someone was died or sick. 

"Anything else," Zatanna said with an encouraging smile. "I don't want to push, but we need to know." 

"I saw you," I pointed to John. "You were drunk off your ass in some bar and refused to help when Superman and I came for it." 

"Me?" John pointed at himself in surprise. "Drunk? Never." 

Zatanna gave him this look said, 'quit lying'. I could almost laugh at those two, but the sudden reminder of all the death and destruction in the vision ruins the mood for me. 

"We... We were asking you to find my old teammate." I went on. "And after a lot of convincing, you helped us." 

"I had a vision similar to that," John nodded. "Only you were sick and couldn't use your magic because of the father stuck in your head." 

I nod. "I know." 

"So," Zatanna's voice seemed off. "Do you believe what you saw was true?" 

The look in her eyes was asking me to tell her 'no.' That I didn't think the visions were anything more than that. And I wanted to believe that as well, but I couldn't lie to her. The truth was I knew they were more than visions from the moment I had one. 

"I am an empath," I lower my gaze to my hands, which are in my lap. "I... I can feel the pain of the visions. The death... I think this is a larger problem than we believe it to be." 

John slumped back in his chair and sighed. "Bloody hell," he groaned. "I knew it. I bloody knew this plan was a joke. If we continue like this, all those things will come true." 

"John, we don't know that," Zatanna put a comforting hand on his arm. 

"No," I spoke up. "He is right." 

John dropped his hands and looked at me in shock. Then he turned to Zatanna in a smug face and said, "she just said I was right!" How he could make a joke at a time like this I will never know. 

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